Meant to be surgery day :-( Started by: Lorna

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  • Lorna 3

    Admitted and first to go down, then they tell me they’ve ordered round I.plants. not tear drops 🙁 no idea what’s gunna happen now, I’ve taken a week off work and my boyfriend has taken the day off to be with me here, I’m pretty annoyed! I tried on the teardrops at the clinic and was pretty set on them. Just a waiting game now, hope they can get the right implants 🙁 xx

    Abbie 43

    Oh no! I hope you get sorted 🙁 how frustrating xx

    Leanne 41

    Ahh no way! How have they managed to mess that up! So you have no choice but to reschedule? You should get discounted for that! X

    carlymarie 17

    That’s awful lorna, hope they get it sorted! Let us know how you get on

    Lorna 3

    Thought I was getting teardrops all along, is been consulted for both round and teardrop. Got 275cc HP unders in the end, and I didn’t even know it was £1000 more! Dr Andrea came back in and reassured me if I went for 275 instead of 300 I’ll still get a natural look. Went down at about half 12 and I’m in love! Lookstuck on ATM lol but when they drop I think they’ll be a great size 🙂 think I will put on a go.plaint, hate doing that, but it’s not against any person at MYA ita more the process not not actually confirming exactly what I was getting, because ten mins before I was meant to get anaesthetic is far too late to confirm what implant I’m getting! Was so bloody stressed out, took the fun away from the day 🙁 on the plus side, no pain apart from when I move a bit funny, no sickness when I woke up I honestly don’t feel as though I’ve been in surgery today! Apart from the fact I now have boobs, woop!

    Apologies for typos I’m falling asleep lol :-/ Xx

    Lorna 3

    This is a couple of hours after… can’t wait for them to drop and fluff!! Xx

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    Leanne 41

    Ah it sounds like a rough time youve had today but im so pleased you managed to get them done today and that you’re happy! ?

    Helen 111

    they look brilliant hun, horrible to hear you had such a stressful day when you should’ve been able to lie back, relax and enjoy it! how are you finding the sleeping? i had 300/320 unders on Monday and keep waking up on my back! getting between 7/8 hours on and off though which is still good 🙂 xx

    Lorna 3

    Thank you Helen! Yeah it was pretty stressful and took the fun away but it’s over now and at least I have it done! Wasn’t too bad actually, didn’t think I’d be very comfortable propped up but the first night wasn’t too bad! That is definitely good, hope I can catch that much sleep too 😀 xx

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