Meeting my surgeon for the first time Started by: Perriexxx

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  • Perriexxx 1

    Hi girls, I’m meeting Dr Mounir for the first time in 3 weeks (30th January) I’m just wanting everyone’s reviews on what he is like.
    I’m about a 32B, I’m roughly about 5’6 and about a size 10-12 my patient coordinator has reccomened 350cc HP under round, so I was also just wondering if anyone got this size and they have any pictures I could see.
    I’m wanting to go roughly to a D however my family are trying to persuade me to go to a C but I don’t want to be spending £5k just to move up a cup size, how did everyone else get on with family trying to persuade you to a different size? Xxx

    Ruth 116

    Hey Perrie, I’m exactly the same height and size in clothes as you are. I’m a week post op, I have 350cc HP but overs. As far as family are concerned I only told my parents and my partner who were really supportive of my decision. Your family need to appreciate it’s your body and you have to be happy within yourself, at the end of the day your doing this for yourself. Good luck meeting your surgeon xx

    Ruth 116

    Trying to upload a picture it’s not letting me!! x

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Ruth 116.
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    Perriexxx 1

    Thank you Ruth, they look amazing!! I know I do tell them it’s for myself I just think they don’t want me to regret anything either, how long roughly have you taken off work? X

    Ruth 116

    Thank you. They still have a long way to go yet until they are fully settled but I’m already really pleased with them. Anything was better than the emptiness I had before ? I can understand their concerns not wanting you to regret anything, it’s a big decision to make isn’t it. I saved my annual leave so have taken the rest of month off, I’ve got quite a physical job which involves quite a bit of lifting x

    Hayley 8

    Hi Perrie
    I was wearing 32b, I’m 5’7 and wear size 8.
    I went for 360cc HP unders and I am now measuring 30E in Boux Avenue. However…. they feel and look nothing like an E and they look no different in clothes! I would say they are more of a small D.
    I thought they were going to be huge but if I could go back then I would ask for bigger.
    I will attach pics so you can see them now which is 3 months post op.

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    Hayley 8

    In plunge bikini

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    Becca 168

    I took the biggest size that Dr. Mounir would let me have which was 430cc, he wasn’t actually confident that he would be able to fit that in so he also ordered me 400cc as well just in case, but on the day it worked out fine and I had 430cc as planned. I had a really good experience with him, he was very direct, honest and realistic. He managed my expectations really well and was extremely conscientious.

    You definitely have to do what feels right for you and what makes you most comfortable. That’s key!

    Marilyn 34

    Hayley I think there a great size. I want ones that fit my frame but I’m worried about wanting bigger when I come out :/. Also worried about the gap I have a bit of a gap and that’s why I was thinking mod plus but I also want the projection. Ah it’s so difficult. I was going to ask Dr Mounir if I could have maybe 375 as I’ve been offered 295-350 but seeing the results they can vary on each person xx

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