Mentor and Allergan Natrelle implants Started by: Jessica

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  • Jessica 7


    Does anyone know which is a better implant? Ive been offered both but can’t really pick.. looked on line and its all so confusing! Also theres a choice of soft and textured? Just wondered what peoples opinions are and experiences are with either implant x

    Samantha 1

    I thought that Mya no longer offer Allergan products? Mentor and Allergan Naturelles are more or less the same. Mentor offer slightly better guarantees though, they also use these implants for cancer patients. I’m guessing the soft is a smooth outer layer, and textured is obviously textured…I’m not sure Mya offer the smooth ones? The textured ones help your tissue attach to the implant more effectively. xx

    Jessica 7

    Thanks hunnie.. i think ill go with textured. Theres so many things to think about with implants isnt there?!
    Im just trying to decide which mentor textured implant to go for.. can you believe there are 2! There is a firmer textured one or softer textured one… ahhh so confusing! x

    Samantha 1

    I know lol. I only found half of this stuff out after I’d booked and confirmed everything with my surgery and asking constant questions to my surgeon and PC. Do you mean the silicone gel filling? I had the cohesive 2 (The firmer one) The firmer the gel the less likely chance of rippling. I had a feel of the 2 and there’s not that much of a difference…well, not enough to make me want to choose the softer one. xx

    Jessica 7

    its so oconfusing! haha.. thats exactly what i am doing now! Ive just said that i want textured, he can pick between the two different types as im sure he will know what is best. Im now freaking out about the profile again! i need to chill seriously lol..

    How are you finding your implants? Are you happy with them hun x

    Samantha 1

    Which surgeon are you having? I suppose the profile will depend on what look you’re after, you want to get what you want at the end of the day. It’s a lot of money to pay and not get it. I’m over the moon with mine. Absolutely love them 🙂 Mr Singh did a perfect job on me, just waiting for them to go softer now, but I swear they’re still getting bigger each week lol xx

    Samantha 1

    I’ve accepted hun 🙂 Ahh brill, what size implant did you have before? Yea, I know exactly what you mean, I’ve really grown to like the rounded look 🙂 A higher profile will give you more of a round look. At least you’re saving a bit of money, always a bonus!! I’ve been healing really well to be honest, had hardly any pain during my recovery only the sleeping on my back was awful!! One thing I do not miss haha! At least you can enjoy getting all measured up again and get some new ones for your new and improved boobs 🙂 I’m sure it will be, def go up another cup size or 2. xx

    Jessica 7

    Thanks chick.. btw had a peek at your pics and yours are looking perfect! 🙂 JEL!!

    Yeh i love the full round look.. Hoping i achieve that with my new implants. I hope so otherwise ill feel like it was a waste of time and money.

    Thats good hun, i think sleeping is the hardest thing, i always sleep sideways and i didnt sleep much first few days but it gets better. Yours are looking really good tho x

    Kirsty -1

    Hope its okay to add you both girlies xxx

    Jessica 7

    accepted hun x

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