MFI? any one got any tips and advice?? please :) xxx Started by: loulousparkle

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    Hi ladies, just wana no what advice and tips you have on mfi, i joined up about a week ago, its quite tough isnt it?!! ive read different stories on the forums and on mfi. some girls manage to got to their goal soo quick, i just wana know how lol! im not into doing naked pics :s im quite shy and dont wana show by boobs…hence being on the site to get bigger ones lol!!

    so any tips u ladies got would be great :)

    like on the offers page how are picture sets done? is it just a few pics u sell or do u have to make a link… lol and what kind of prices do u sell them at?

    also if i where to make a contest what kind of things do u do??

    thanks :) xxxxx

    tashiemash 1

    hi loulou have pm’d u xx


    thanks hun x


    Hi loulou, i joined mfi just over 2 weeks ago, it is hard isnt it? but i have realised you just gotta be patient, like some days i could be chatting for hours on it and think omg i havent made a single penny today but you will in the end all our hard work will pay off eventually, i have made over £1000 already i can not believe how quick its going just hope my luck doesnt run out lol! I have only ever blogged once aswell i never know what to right lol my name is blonde20 if you wanna see my blog, and i havent enterd any contests yet, there is one man who loves to watch girls smoke so look out for him and some men just like to donate because it makes them feel good/powerful lol theres a few who donate to me just buy chatting nothing nude, i do have a few lingerie photosets and some where i am covering my boobs but i never ever show my face in them. good luck babe! xx


    Beckie90 used it, and got her goal very quickly, give her a pm, she would be more then happy to help and advise too xx


    Hey guys can someone tell me what MFI is please??



    I stopped going on there because people were being creepy to me, how do you use it in a nice way? xx


    jaf my first few days where awful but you just gotta find the nice guys not the creepy perves lol, romani my free implants is a site where you chat to benefactors who wish to donate to you if you chat with them,cam,enter contests,videos or photosets. men help you raise money for your ba xx


    Ooh I see ok thanks :)



    Yeah it’s so hard because it’s like you chat to them but they all just want you on cam doing creepy stuff so you end up ignoring everyone and going off!! So hard!!



    my main success waa picture sets nothing majour they was underwear etc i even did 1 in a bridesmaid dress HA tht suprisingly got over 40 purchases. i just closed chat on all tht asked for cam om too shy for that for the time i was on i spent sooo many hours a day on. from putting kids to bed at 7pm to 3am id b on solidly. i barely got no sleep it paid off cause i did ut pretty fast and it was hard real hard cause i actually cried when i signed up i didnt wana use mfi it did creep me out at 1st but then i met ppl who was true n genuine.. 1 guy donated over 300 1 day to me for absoloutly nothing not even 1 pik. so there is people on there that genuinly want to help. it was my only way of surgery as i cant get credit abd i had no savings my money all goes on my kids and i was in such a depressed mood all time bout my boobs. so that was my option did hate the idea but thoight it was worth it.. but at the min with my results not been great its abit gutting. but its possible to achieve ur goal. god if i can anyone can coz im such a shy prude lol. just be YOU and make friendsadvertise your pik sets on your status and do deals on them xxx

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