Micro dermals Started by: Shauni

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  • Shauni 1

    Hi everyone, not sure if I’m posting in the right place or what not, I’m new to this so no idea what I’m doing! I’ve booked in for my consultation Saturday I’m so nervous, just wondering what happens if you have micro dermals/ dermal piercings. I’ve a dermal in the middle of my chest just worried how it will affect surgery ect.. Any advice would be great girls. XXXXXX

    Amy 47

    Hiya, id say more than likely they will tell you not to wear it during surgery, not 100% sure best asking when your there for advice tbh but I do know they’re strict with hair extensions with metal on etc even nail varnish you can’t wear so I doubt very much they will let you wear piercings just double check thou incase xx

    Samantha 89

    I was told absoloutley no jewellery! Even hair bands musn’t have metal in them because the metal can heat up during surgery xxx

    Shauni 1

    i cant take it out.. I cant take the top off it but the rest of the piercing is healed into my skin so ive litterally no idea how this is going to work.. Oh dear i guess ill just have to see what they say on saturday xxxx

    hollie 21

    I have one in the exact same place! They cut it out for me under anaesthesia and I put it back in afterwards. It’s up to the surgeon so as long as you disclose it to them they’ll decide what to do! ☺️ Good luck xxx


    Hi Shauni I have dermals on top of both my wrists/arms and I had my surgery on Momday 21st they where okay about it they just covered them with tape! Hope everything goes okay for you xx

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