Moderate Plus! Maybe the wrong move.. I hope it proves me wrong ! Do OVERs Fluff Started by: Catherine

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  • Catherine 4

    420 CC Moderate plus overs
    looking round and lovely , but no projection, infact i’m so disappointed i didn’t think it would be like this
    i was told HP were just more upwards and i didnt want to look too false
    now i am seeing pics this is what i should of had as it doesn’t look to false
    I am only 17 days post op, hoping will change, Do overs Fluff?? please tell me they do

    Kay 48

    Do you have a pic… I’m sure they are lovely! The moderate are more natural looking. I was going to go fro them but I want the hp I think for more volume. Not sure about the fluff but I’m sure they will x

    Catherine 4

    I wanted more natural look but not that natural, feels like in my top that i would need to still wear Wonderbras to give me the uplift
    i feel like crying
    in my consultation the projection seemed way bigger, they said a 5% difference only,when implanted.
    This feels like a 40% difference to projection
    i will show a few pics but i seem to be getting smaller as the swelling is going down
    i did want the 460 he tried and i couldn’t have 🙁

    Catherine 4

    or am i just having the blues and have to wait a few weeks maybe x

    Kay 48

    Oh that’s not great. Maybe they just need to stop swelling and then they’ll drop and fluff to be more bigger/fuller. I have seen on here a few times that they get bigger in stages x

    Kay 48

    If you go on the topic below yours with high profile or moderates there’s a pic in there with boobs that have got bigger as the weeks have gone on x

    Catherine 4

    I will have a look thanks Hun
    The only thing I was worried about with HP is when I tried the sizer on it was up my chest and didn’t look good on me
    Maybe they suit different shapes to me
    Not sure
    I’m trying not to be so obsessed ! but I look down and they don’t seem big how I want them
    Front facing he’s done them perfect and they look exactly how I wanted
    I can not fault him in that respect as he does have marvellous reviews
    It’s just not the right size ????

    I think the worst is when I look down
    That’s where the cleavage thing comes into play , does that mean I should possibly think a higher profile do you think x

    Kay 48

    I haven’t had mine done yet. Iv been advised to have 355 or375 unders hp. Is it the fullness your missing? Like don’t think they are round enough. I thought moderate plus was slightly smaller volume but great for side boob? Maybe wait to see what size bra you will be? Iv just read about the fluffing and they describe it as a water balloon you squash with you hand. When the muscles relax it’s like the hand coming up lightly to let them rise so not sure what that’s like for over the muscle xx

    Kay 48

    Just seen your profile and they do look lovely. Maybe your worrying! I’m similar stats… 5.2, 8st 10 and small frame but need to tone x

    Jordan 3

    I Cara I am in the process of booking my first appointment too get mine done, after the same sort of thing natural looking but still having the nice cleavage look! I’m the same hight and weight too, and yours look amazing in your photo! Can I ask how long did it take from your original appointment all the way through to actually having the surgery done? I am also going through London for mine x

    Kay 48

    Jordan it depends one what surgeon you have. I asked for a certain suregeon so I waited 2 weeks for consultation and had it Thursday and they have suregery dates free in September x


    Hi cara I had moderate round 380 overs from a 34a, I’m almost 5 weeks post op and they have changed so much, this last week I’ve noticed the most change in them, I’ve attached some comparison pics hope they help xx

    Catherine 4

    Hi thanks for the reply’s I’ve been in depressed mode and just concentrated on work and getting back into the swing of things again
    I can’t see any attachments ?

    I did go for my 6 week check up , everything is fine but I told them the truth and said that I wasn’t happy
    Even the lady said to me , for a 420 implant I look quite small which is weird as she’s never seen it so small on somebody
    My body must have sucked them in somehow lol !
    Anyway as the 460 MP was too small I was told at the day if surgery
    I was told today that I could have revision surgery but the only option was to have 460HP
    so I’m wondering what the difference is between the 460mp and the 460 hp
    Is the 460hp not as wide ?
    Sounds really confusing I know xx

    Kim 3

    Cara did you get offered revision just because of the fact you aren’t happy with the size?

    I’m also very disappointed in the size, plus 1 incision is lower than the other, which I think is making 1 breast look bigger then the other, I’m hoping they will offer revision, however by what i have read on the forums I don’t think it will happen ☹️.

    Also to you question.. high profile isn’t as wide but project more, and MP are wider but don’t project as much x

    Stacey 498

    Hi hun overs defo fluff that’s for sure 17 days is soo early tho mine didn’t fully fluff and feel normal till around 6 months mark I had a love hate relationship with them befor that xxx

    Stacey 498

    There’s really not a lot of difference in mp and hp regarding projection hun I’ll see if I can find the mentor chart for you xxx

    Stacey 498

    Sorry just seen you didn’t go with mya so unsure weather you will of had mentor implants xxx

    Tor 7

    stacey where would i find the mentor chart? im currently trying to decide mod+ or HP atm, and that would be so helpful! x

    Catherine 4

    Thank you girlies for your comments
    I had nagor implants
    I went to my first bra fitting today as I was told yesterday no more bra day and night which feels amazing ! I think the bra gets you down a lot
    I got measured up 32 dd but the bra that fitted in the end was actually a 32 ff
    It was more comfy and not so tight
    But you wouldn’t think I was that looking at me
    I’m very wide but no projection
    Even the lady said I have no cleavage ????
    It’s defo not the right look for me
    I think the projection has fitting snug inside my body somehow 🙁

    For my body I must need a bigger projection to show a bit of fullness outwards
    It’s weird as I’m a petite frame too
    With a bit of chub after having kids but still a size 10 ?
    Referring to the lady above a few comments about going for revision
    I doubt they will re do for free – highly unlikely

    Catherine 4

    If they said I could go to a 460 HP
    But theres not much difference
    I think what’s the point of having it done :/
    If my body is sucking in the cc’s
    I should at least be offered something in the 500 range surely ????

    Gemma 17

    Hey Catherine how you feeling about your boobs now ? X

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