Mr Mahdi – 350ccs Started by: Bek

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  • Bek 5

    Hi Everyone! I met Mr Mahdi today and have booked in for my surgery in December.

    He measured me at a 36A and recommended 300, 350 or 375cc implants. Was anyone a similar size with any of those size implants willing to chat/share results please? Xx

    samantha 1

    Hiya! Just had my appointment with him – measuring 36A and going for 350cc HP would also be interested in seeing some results 🙂 xx

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by samantha 1.
    Bek 5

    Ah cool. When’s your surgery? How are you feeling? X

    samantha 1

    I’m in on the 15th in Preston – I’m sooo excited. I’ve been thinking about it for around 3 years so thought let’s just go for it! What about you? X

    Bek 5

    15th of November? That’s so soon!! I’m sure you can’t wait! I’m booked for 15th December in Preston. Best of luck! I’d love to know how it all goes! X

    samantha 1

    Ahh no I’m in 15th December!! (Can’t believe I forgot to put the month above lol. Ahhh as if we have the same date!!! Have you got far to travel? I’m in Sunderland xx

    Bek 5

    Oh my god we have the same date!! I’m coming from just outside Newcastle, so a little bit further than you just. If you fancy keeping in touch before and after surgery, let me know and we can exchange numbers or socials or something 😊 xx

    Casey 2

    I’m also booked with Mr Mahdi, 350ccs in Preston travelling from Sunderland! Not until feb unfortunately due to work commitments but it’ll be nice to see how your journey goes with him! Xx

    Bek 5

    Hi Casey! How are you feeling about your surgery?

    I’m chatting on WhatsApp to another girl who’s booked in with him in January, if either of you want to join let me know! 😊 xx

    samantha 1

    Ahhh bek yeah absolutely I’m ‘samantha Jane sanderson’ on Facebook if you want to add me? Or made by mannie on Instagram 💕 xx


    I’m booked in for jan the 21st with doctor mahdi! Super excited but nervous, I measured a 38b he recommended 350,375 and 400, I’m getting 400cc round, high profile textured! I’d love to join in on the chats? I’m leoma erickson-rohrer on facebook!

    Michaela 1

    I’m booked in for 21st December at Preston with Mr Mahdi, travelling from York area. I measured 32/34 A (was a 33 inch!) and want 350cc dual plane but he advised may not fit so may get 325/300 instead which im okay with as dont want to look too big or fake! Off to see a friend down the road from there tomorrow so will have a sneak peek at hospital on way back!

    Bek 5

    Hi Leoma! I’ve sent you a message on FB.

    Hi Michaela! How are you feeling pre surgery? Did you get a peak at the hospital?

    LDM 1

    Hi all, I had my consultantion today, I was also recommended under muscle, measured me around 36b and 300-possibly 375cc but id be happy with 350. I’d also love to see some pictures. I haven’t booked surgery yet, I’m really nervous and still looking at other options. Also traveling from York! Hello York girls 😊

    Ellie 3

    Hi girls! I’m also booked with Mr Mahdi for the 18th of December. I am currently a 32AA after breastfeeding, he’s gave me a few options size wise but Iv left it up to him what he thinks will look best on the day.

    I hope all goes well and I’d love to keep in touch on Instagram @ellescollay



    Hi I’m booked in with mr Mahdi on the 27th feb I am so exited and also so nervous. Could I get added into the WhatsApp group please
    That’s mt number xx

    Michaela 1


    Sorry just seen this! Yes I had a quick peek. Looks like a cabin in the woods! Will see inside tomorrow for surgery day. Argh!! X

    Saff 67

    Hope it went well? How are you feeling? I’m booked with Mr Mahdi for 18th Feb! Waiting for my consultation and nurse appointments throughout Jan, excited but nervous, never had surgery before x


    I’ve just booked my surgery today, not in until March but I’m with Dr Mahdi I’m a 36D going for 350cc HP. Super excited but soooo sooo nervous now I’ve an actual date booked. I’d love to join your WhatsApp group to follow your journeys with you! 07305168458 is my number!



    I’m also booked in with Dr Mahdi for February 22nd! I’m soo excited but also a bit nervous.

    I’m looking on going 375cc , following Dr Mahdi advice .
    I hope everyone’s surgery goes well and hope to catch up on any updates .
    Thank you xx

    Danielle 1

    Hello. I had my op on 21st December with Mr Mahdi in Preston 🙂 could I be added to the what’s app group please! I was measuring AA and went for 350CC. X


    I had my consult with mr Mahdi and I’m a 34AA/32B he said . Im having 350 cc cohesive soft gel implants and booked in Jan 16th . My second consult is 6 days before so he can order smooth or textured implants . Does anyone have any after pictures similar size to me before hand . Im sizr 6:8 5ft 1 07368966998 💋

    Ellie 3

    Hi girls, just wanted to give you a quick update. I had my surgery with Mr Mahdi on the 18th of December at present.

    The whole process start to finish was amazing, the staff are incredible and you are in good hands.

    I would say the pain the first 4 days was worse than I expected however I probably did too much too soon with it being the run up to Christmas.

    I went for extra high profile, half under the muscle 295cc and I am so so happy so far.

    In terms of healing my left is amazing however my right is taking a little longer is more tender but it’s still early days x


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    Hi girls, I’m booked in on the 18th Feb for my surgery with me Mahdi and I’m measuring a 32b he recommended 325 but when I tried them on I wasn’t happy with the size as I didn’t feel like there was much difference in just wondering if anyone has any pics or anything I am a slim build x


    Hi everyone!

    I’ve booked with mr Mahdi but not till April. I’m a 36a so have been recommended 350-375 but worried they’ll be too big? I was thinking teardrop implant rather than round but now I’m unsure! So much to think about 🙈 any advice appreciated 💕


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