My Journey. Never felt happier in my life ! Started by: Katie

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  • Katie 1

    300cc HP Overs – Preston Dr Netri. Manchester Clinic
    The pictures I’ll attach show me before my operation, my boobs the day off, and 10 days post op. I’m absolutely thrilled with the results and my journey in general. My advice girls is if that’s what you truly want don’t worry. Don’t stress about which surgeon, what size, drains, sleeping, stretch marks, things going wrong, recovery to mention a few. Enjoy every second because it’s the best journey ! My experience was lovely from start to finish with my PC Lauren from the Manc Clinic, she’s guided me through it all. Just enjoy the ride & you will love the results 🙂 Much love girls, any questions or worries I’ll do my best to answer! X

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Katie 1.
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    Katie 1

    Here is the picture of me 10 days P.O.
    Obsessed with them so bad ! :))))

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Katie 1.
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    Lis212 17

    Katie they look great. What sizes were you offered initially? I’m not sure between 285cc and 315cc but unders…

    Katie 1

    Hey! Thank you!
    I was offered 250-350 initially, but I focused around the 300 point. If you’re going under the muscle you loose 25cc apparently anyway, so I’d go for the 315cc. I was so so scared 300cc would be too big, now I have days where I wish I’d gone slightly bigger. The surgeon knows best, and decided for me on the day, he knew 300cc would be natural for me. Have you booked your Op date? How exciting?! I wish I could do it all again haha x

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