My story 17/8/12 Mr Singh – Highgate Started by: Clara

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  • Clara

    Finally getting round to writing my story. I found reading these stories really helpful before my BA.

    Myself, husband and 2 little girls drove down to London the night before my op to be nearby as my admission time was 7.30am. We stayed at the Premier in at Hampstead, 5-10 min drive from Highgate hospital. Staff were lovely, bed very comfy! I wasn’t allowed to eat from midnight but can’t say I wanted to, was very nervous. Drank loads of water as I knew I wasn’t allowed any after 5.30am so thought it was a good plan to combat dehydration and also just knowing you can’t drink makes you

    Anyway, woke up at 6.30, had a shower and got ready. Husband and children went for breakfast. Drove to Highgate, literally took 5-10 mins, parked up. Said my goodbyes, they were going for a day out on The Eye to avoid hanging around. Went in on my own but was fine.

    Man at reception gave me a few forms to fill in, my boobie buddy Tashiemashie came in next and sat down to do her forms, felt better knowing she was going through the same too. :-)

    I was then taken up to my room (314), shown around and within 2 mins a nurse arrived to ask questions, give me my stockings, big pants etc., measured my height and weight again, asked for a wee sample.

    The aneathaetist came next to go through what was going to happen, ask same questions, she was lovely, made me feel relaxed about the GA. I have been under GA twice before and been really sick after so she promised to avoid that using less morphine, it worked I wasn’t sick after and didn’t feel it, just needed more meds after surgery for pain.

    Another nurse came in, asked me to get into my gown etc.

    Mr Singh came up next, I couldn’t believe how quickly this was all happening, he went through paperwork, signed forms then he drew on me and took photos. He made me laugh , he said “Let’s get rid of these little ones, adios amigos! ” lol. He mentioned my nipples weren’t in the middle of my breasts and overs would be better to correct this but due to my lack of tissue I had to have unders, which is what I was booked for but I thought to myself, great ten to two tits! He never said this at my 2 consultations. I told him it wasn’t my main concern.

    He then said right ready to rock and roll, we’re going down in 5 mins….Eek, didn’t have a chance to do my pre-op pics, just time to text my husband! 8.20am.

    Nurse came to get me, walked me down to theatre, chatting all the way thankfully, she was lovely, totally distracted me. Lay on bed, aneathaetist put my cannula in my arm, was fine, chat chat chat, felt woozy, gone! 8.45am.

    Woke up in recovery, so happy to be alive, lol,different nurse again, chest felt very tight, small elephant sitting on me, throat hurt, warm heat pads under covers felt lovely. Looked under my gown to see my new babies, nurse grabbed my arm to make me lie still, I tried this twice lol, desperate to see. I looked at the clock, it was 9.50, wow, all done. Felt thirsty, dry throat, nurse gave me a drink and it went.I was really tired, wanted to sleep but was told to stay awake.

    I was attached to a drip, to rehydrate and salts/minerals apparently?? I was taken back to my room at 10.10. Felt totally fine nuts sleepy.

    Snoozed happily looking at my new babies, was soooooooo happy! :-)

    Nurse came with tea and a sandwich, took me an hour to eat it! Managed to get up on my own for a wee, a bit dizzy but fine.

    She was back again to offer me lunch, felt a bit sore so asked for some meds.

    I couldn’t eat my pasta, managed the fresh orange juice and green and blacks ice-cream, was soooo thirsty, drank loads of water.

    My husband and girls arrived at 2.45, everyone very impressed!!

    Mr Singh came in to see me, told my girls how beautiful they are, he really is a lovely man. All good to go. Left at 4pm.

    Drive home took just over 2 hours, was fine, hugged a pillow. Felt fine, just tight.

    For all you girls waiting to do it, go for it, I had a great experience, better than I imagined. :-)

    Sorry for going on and on. Cxxxxx

    tashiemash 1

    fab story clara!! woooooo we did it :p hope ur healing well and enjoying ur new babies :) xxx

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