my story 20th july mr singh 525 tsx unders.. 2nd BA Started by: beckymichelle

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    hey, well i thought id write my story as everyone else has, and reading them made me feel so much more relaxed with the whole experience, even though this was my second ba, i still needed reassurance and guidance.

    I am 29 and have a 9 year old daughter, I suffered bulimia as a child from age 13 up until my first pregnancy at 18 and therefore my breast tissue was always bad, i suffered stretch marks and sagging, i then breast fed my first baby, my breast went to a size e when pregnant, after my first pregnancy they then shrunk to a saggy 32b, sadly i lost my daughter at 3 months of meningitis, i fell preg again and my breast then went size f and shrunk again i breast fed my daughter who its 9 now aswell, in 2007 i decided to have ba due to all the sagging and hating them so much, i was advised an uplift and a small implant due to my back size, as my mum worked in the hospital she advised me on a surgeon i didn’t get a choice, i went ahead with the surgery in 2007 and achieved a dd cup form a 32 b, i had my nipple removed and replaced leaving a scar around the nipple and not in the crease. To be honest i was never happy with them as i felt they looked natural and still droopy, no one even knew i had implants. The surgeon had said i needed to have them under as my skin was not the best and would make them drop quicker if on top. as years went by i noticed the implant was still in tack but the breast had dropped over it also a lot of rippling but i did loose weight aswell, this didn’t help, so i decided to look into another op. I went to see about 6 surgeons they all suggested uplifts and same size implants i just didn’t want an anchor scar at my age. Transform were the worse i came out crying after seeing mr khan, he was so abrupt and rude i couldn’t believe it, i then found a surgeon who suggested a atomical implant, the price was a lot and it didn’t include after care or lifetime implants. I then contacted mya as my last chance and saw mr singh, i couldn’t believe he said i didn’t have to have a uplift but just a bigger implant i was over the moon. He offered me 495, 525, 560 and 615 tsx for a fuller look. I joined this forum to see his work and was very pleased with what i saw. I must stress no ones boobs are the same if you are looking at someones pics saying you want them you will never get them, i have never seen the same boobs in anyone, we are all different and all are results will be different. I was nervous that they wouldn’t look right or something would go wrong.

    I booked my bed before seeing mr singh, an then after seeing mr singh i was ready for my op a week later..

    On friday i arrived at highgate at 8 was seen by nurse and mr singh by 9, i explained to him i wanted the 495 or 525 as i didn’t want back problems as implants can cause back pains, and i didn’t wanna be to big, i was in surgery by 10 back in my room by 12, the staff were amazing i can’t fault the hospital at all, the service was excellent. I was checked on and given regular meds, i left at 6 when i felt ready. I am now bandaged up and waiting to see my results… i hope i will be happy and i wish you all a successful ba any questions feel free to ask x x


    That’s such a nice story hun! Sorry about your first baby though (that’s never nice)

    It’s lovely to hear just positive things on MYA, even for the ones with problems xx


    thanks xxx lets hope i like them when all the bandages come off lol xx

    stuckeya -1

    Beckymichelle, Well done on getting through your eating disorder, to then lose your little girl, so so tragic. You know what they say, what don’t kill ya, makes you stronger! I’m sure you will be pleased with your results hun and thanks for sharing your story. They’re brill to read for people like me who is counting down the days, I’m booked in for 26th August with Mr Kazzazi at Park Hill, Donney. I hoe i’m relatively pain free, but you make a very good point. We are all so different and also have different pain thresholds (I know mine is quite high, whilst waiting for my little boy to arrive 7 years ago, I spent 48 hours pacing the hospital corridor with the gas and air tank whilst in labour). I hope you get the look and feel that you want hun xx

    natasha92 9

    thank you for sharing your story! you are very strong to have gone through all of this. xxx truely wish you happy healing! and that your results are what you wished for xxxxx

    tashiemash 1

    thats a lovely story! uve had a rollercoaster of events” strong lady :D xx


    So glad your over you bulimia and really sorry to read about your baby girl, must have been such a hard time. Lovely read about you finally finding the right surgeon and I really hope your happy with results :) I also had 525 but I had uplift aswel I’ve sent friend request xxx

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