My TT & BA experience. Started by: Andi

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  • Andi

    Hello everyone. For those who are researching I thought I would share my story. I’m a few hours post op, having had a abdomonoplasty and augmentation together.

    Im 43 years old and I’m a mum to four children, ranging from 22 to 3, so you may say I have done my bit for the population of earth! I’ve also extended breastfed four kids so at this point an overhaul was well deseeved!

    I arrived at 11am in a bit of a flap because we had heavy snow last night. Of course you know in UK a few snowflakes is heavy snow. After meeting the surgical team one by one, I was ready to go down by about 1pm.

    My surgeon was Mr Traynor and he’s lovely. I love his direct attitude. He’s there to look after you and do a great job. I felt in very safe hands with the whole staff.

    Having chronic hypertension I was very anxious that my blood pressure might set me back but I was put at ease by the staff.

    Not much to say about the procedure other than I fell asleep and woke up again! Naturally I’m a bit sore and tired but the pain is very manageable. I had set myself up for agony so all in all I’m doing great! Looking forward to a sleep.

    On the breast side I’ve had 350cc and because I’ve done a lot of baby feeding in my time, I have pretty big nipples. The skin was there but empty. Now it looks full and natural. I’ve not aimed for huge boobs, not my bag at all. I don’t want to look top heavy, so I’m really pleased with the initial results !

    Overall I’m super happy with my first day and very excited to see the results as they develop

    Laura 2

    Wow I had my TT and BA one day after you and with Mr Traynor also.
    My whole experience was fantastic.
    Do you have any pics?
    Hope your healing goes super well and is quick.
    How are you finding the pain now, I am in a bit more pain from when I left the hospital but all in all I am doing well.
    Like you I have breast feed and lost weight so I was empty, it’s good to have the girls back and I love the way they look and they will only get better as time goes on.
    Happy healing

    Laura 2

    Here’s a pic

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