Nearly 3 weeks post op, 350 UHP overs Started by: Eve

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  • Eve 19

    Hi girls,

    Haven’t really been on here much since my op but have been having a few notifications through email as to various different questions. Had my op on 18th February, everything was fine, very little pain, no stretch marks, no bruises, was back to work on day 5 post op. Honestly it was pretty plain sailing, I kind of forget they’re there sometimes as there’s no aches or back pain whatsoever.

    Seriously the best thing I’ve ever done, no regrets at all. So much more confident and can wear so many new things.

    Have attached pics, happy to answer any questions if anyone’s interested. Image of me in the dress is my first night out since having them done, this is day 18 post op.

    The ‘gap’ on the 14 day post op pic is very misleading, my positioning makes the gap look very big when really there is barely a gap at all.

    Eve x

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    salwa 22

    Looking hot! Glad you like them excited for mine eek! X

    Candy 58

    Looking good hun! Did you go braless on your night out? Xx


    Looking amazing! You must be over the moon xx


    They look amazing! xxx

    Leigh 63

    They look amazing Eve! I really hope mine look like yours…I am the same before stats as you and also having 350cc UHP overs. Was worried that I didn’t have enough breast tissue to start with and didn’t know how UHP would look as there aren’t many girls that I have seen that have has UHP. If mine look like yours then I will be sooooo happy! x

    Becky 27

    They look amazing, im having 350cc unders, I cant wait! I hope you don’t mind the add x

    Izzi 3

    they look great! and it seem like you recovered so fast! i had 350cc too and i’m on day 4 of my healing!

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