Nice pair of 525cc courtesy of Mr Traynor Started by: kelly

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  • kelly

    Hey girls, Had my BA yesterday, admission time was 09:30 the nurses were in and out checking I was ok then anaesthetist came in followed by Mr Traynor to draw on me. Then the anaesthetist assistant came and got me at 11:50. It was very surreal and I had a cry but they put me at ease, Kept asking me questions while sorting me out then before I could answer I was asleep. I was back in my room and starting to come around at 1 o’clock. For anyone having Mr Traynor at the first trust hospital your in such good care they are all brilliant. Xx


    Couldn’t agree more. Enjoy the whole experience 🙂 I want to do it again haha x


    Nice one hun I’m just leaving the Preston first trust now. Had 450cc overs. Their pain killers are great. Got rid of the ttightness too xxx Would always recommend Mya and the hospital. Makes the experience 10000 Times better when the staff are looking after you well 🙂 Xx


    Nikki your crazy, haha. O yes there lovely all of them, especially when you have a laugh and joke with them. I hope the tightness will go soon n I definitely can’t wait till to buy bikinis 🙂 xxx

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