Night out & dont want to wear sports bra Started by: Charlene

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    Hi Ladies,
    I am going out this Saturday night for dinner and really don’t want to wear this big ol sports bra I will be 2 weeks post op surely one night for a few hours without it wont hurt??

    Yalouise 1

    I’d like to know the answer to this too! I have a bday drinks to goto 12 days PO, I’ve got a high neck dress to wear if I need to wear the sports bra though haha


    Zoe Jordan 17

    I wouldn’t risk it, 2 weeks isn’t much. You’re likely to ache without the support/


    My nurse told me I could go a couple of hours a day without my sports bra and I went out this weekend at 10 days post op. I decided against going bra less and wore my sports bra and I’m SO glad I did! The next day I was aching from dancing and whatever else I do after a few drinks haha and think I would’ve been in a lot of pain without the support. Obviously you know your own body and can only decide for yourself but it’s not worth damaging them for a few hours out xx

    Yalouise 1

    Ooh thanks for the advice! Deffo goinh to wear the sports bra ! Xxx


    Thanks ladies will wear my sports bra don’t want to damage my new babies LOL 🙂 xx

    Yalouise 1

    Hope you don’t mind the add! Xxx

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