Nipple piercings? Started by: Hannah Butler

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    Hey guys so I’m just over a week post op, really wanting my nipples pierced but I’ve heard horror stories and been reading too much online about them getting infected and needing implants removed. Has anyone had theirs done after their BA and did they heal okay?

    Jodee Powell -4

    Hey girl! I’m in the same boat!!! I really want them done but google is terrifying me 🤣 joined here to ask exactly the same. And also to see if anyone actually felt it. I have no sensation in the nips!! X

    Jodee Powell -4

    I’ll add I had uplift and implants. X

    Pamela 4

    Omg , I also want my nipples done but I think it’s better to wait until I’m fully healed , I was thinking of getting them done 3 months post op . I think we’re people go wrong is that they get them done straight away and that’s probably why they get infected.

    Carla 39

    Good post, I had my nipple pierced years ago and would love to get it done again, I’m sure once boobs have settled it would be fine. Its unlikely to get infected as well x

    Amy orme 3

    My piercings had healed up and I re-pierced them myself after I had my daughter. No problems with them at all x

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