Nipples?! Started by: Amy

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  • Amy 1

    Hi there ladies…
    This may seem like a random question but ?I have big-ish nipples and I was wondering if getting a BA will make them look bigger or smaller?

    Sorry for the random question… It just popped into my head! 🙂 xoxo

    Sophie 123

    Hey hunny. I do too, hate them! I don’t think they look smaller really just more inproportion with the ratio of boob now haha. I’ve added you so you can look at my pics xx

    Amy 1

    Thanks Sophie, ive accepted and ill take a look! xoxoxo

    Amy 265

    Hi Amy I would say the same as Sophie mine where big pre op and now more in proportion if I had of know about areola reduction I would have had that done at same time as ba x

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