No strapping after BA? Started by: Jay Danielle

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    When I woke up after the op I didn’t have any strapping or anything over the front of my boobs I had nothing until I put my sports bra on and they gave me some kind of long strap to Velcro around to push them Down.

    I’m wondering why I had nothing over my boobs when I came out? Any else the same



    I’m the same Hun, I’m 6 days po and just have incisions covered and a upper pole strap literally just over the top of my boobs pushing them down! Hoping to have it off tomorrow as it’s become a bit uncomfortable! xx

    Zoe Jordan 17

    Not everyone has strapping, depends on the patient and the surgeon 🙂


    Ah ok thanks girls just checking I keep worrying about everything I’m so impatient! I took that long strap off it was causing to much pain for me lol xxxx

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