Not happy with size!! Started by: Brooke

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  • Brooke -3

    Hi Ladies,
    Can anyone help me or give me some advice.
    I am 4 weeks post op and am really not happy with my new boobies!!
    I was a B and wanted to go DD. When I went in to decide size I went with bigger.
    I feel like my boobs aren’t really that much bigger maybe a C (I haven’t had them measured) but I tried an old push up bra on and it fit !!!!!!
    Another reason I had them done is because they had quiet a large gap in the middle (ten to two boobs) and they are still like that.
    I have an appointment to see my surgeon in a week, but is there anything I can do now ?
    I want the big boobs I asked for can I get them rectified if I’m not happy?

    ninab 20

    Hi, what size implant did you have? Were they overs or unders and how long post op are you as these factors will all need to be taken into account as your boobs will change so much over the weeks and months after surgery. I’ve just had my second ba and I’m so impatient as I want to see the final results but I’m only 12 days post op and there is so much change yet to happen. Xx

    Brooke -3

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    I had 300cc implants, unders and am 4 weeks exactly today. I have been fine so far as I know they change but I feel like they are far off from what I wanted.
    How comes you had a second one or was you just due your next one ?xx

    ninab 20

    I had 340 unders 9 years ago (was a 34a)and never achieved the size I wanted, I have since breastfed 2 children and went from a 34d to a 34c. (As most people say you measure bigger than you look with implants) I’ve had them replaced with 555 teardrop and am so much happier with the size and shape, it’s also closed the large gap I had between my breasts. X

    Rebekah 174

    Iv had mine done twice I got 365cc then 450cc , 300cc isn’t a big implant I was a D with 365cc and they didn’t look that big at all xxx

    Brooke -3

    Is there anything I can do now or is it too late? I am not happy at all and spent a lot of money would they change them if I am not happy ?

    ninab 20

    I really don’t know hun, if that was the maximum size you could have then probably not. The first time I had my op the max I was offered was 380 and I was really flat chested but I went for the 340’s.
    My second op I had a consultation with two different surgeons, one offered a very max of 450 and the second offered me the 555. A lot depends on what the surgeon is happy to do I suppose. X

    Brooke -3

    I think my surgeon would have given bigger. I went In asking for DD and he said 300cc so I went with it. I just don’t want to pay another 5k am I covered to get them rectified if I’m not happy

    Bianca 1

    Sorry that you’re unhappy Brooke but surgeons won’t do it for free if you’re unhappy with the size otherwise most of us would get done again.
    They will only do if there’s a problem.
    If you had a fairly large gap before then unders wouldn’t improve it,I went for overs for that reason.
    You’re still early on and still a while to go with dropping and fluffing,hopefully you’ll be happier in a few weeks x

    Emma -1

    Same here , I am not a MYA patient but I had my surgery in April and I am not happy with the size at all, it looks like nothing has been done, I spent all this money and went through all this time to heal but you can barely see them, I am heartbroken and I don’t think they do anything about it either.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by myamoderator 138.
    Brooke -3

    Maissa have you been to see your surgeon yet ? X

    Bethxxx 1

    I’m the same!! I was a A before I got mine done, I got a 325cc implant and now they are a C. I asked to go for a D, if I’m paying all that money I want big boobs haha, but I feel like they are still small-ish. I want mine bigger now I’m 4 weeks post op aswell and want them done again already :’(


    I’m the same as well 🙁
    I didn’t think I had a big gap before op but now post op I think it’s so obvious and making me so unhappy. Really don’t know what to do 🙁 xx

    Neeve 3

    I was deflated 32c, bf 2kids, size 8 5ft3. I had 215cc last yr, not with mya. I really regret going with surgeons choice and not going for another consult. I was so fixed on having blite Implants. Once the swelling went I knew I should’ve pushed for a larger implant.( He said bwd was 10cm, post op another surgeon said 12cm.) Around 3wks Post op the boob greed was sooo bad. I really felt I had wasted £££ and time. Fast forward one Yr I’m 32dd, yet they look small. The sadness and anger at myself has mostly passed. I couldn’t justify the time and expense of going through it again for another 2sizes. I keep reminding myself that they look a lot better than they were!! With plunge /padded bra’s I get the look i was after. I had to get over myself in order to be happier. It was a process, it took time. Sending positive thoughts and energy to you all xx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by myamoderator 138.
    Cara 2

    Hi! I am in the exact same position.. 5 weeks PO with 385 cc unders and I dont feel like I have the big boobs that I wanted or paid for! I was wondering if you had an update or if you are feeling better about them! Have they fluffed out or do they seem bigger, or big enough? Does the feeling of boob greed pass? Thanks!!


    Hi Brooke. Basically same issues as me. I have complained since 1 week post op. I’m now coming up 5 weeks. I have them rebooted for December *I can’t do Sooner due to uni* I have to pay for new implants though. But I should have asked for bigger implants I suppose

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