i dont know if i should feel bad about this but my op is in 5 days and my bf has no clue ðŸ˜. i know he’ll say that i dont need them, waste of money etc but its something i’ve wanted for agesss. we dont live together because i’m in uni but the next time i’ll see him will be 6 weeks from my op (my birthday 😫). i’m hoping my boobs would’ve dropped and fluffed by 6 weeks because i really dont want him finding out, i dont want him to see me as insecure and i’m hoping the results will be natural enough anyways. I’ve only told one person about my op who is my friend but apart from that i havent told anyone else!! is there anyone who has an op soon that wants a boobie buddy?? would love to talk to someone while i’m in the healing process by myself haha
thank you!! xx