Numb boobs Started by: Nikki

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  • Nikki 38

    I’m only 5days po today but wondering when you start to get feeling back in your boobs?
    Mine are still numb and although I can feel myself touching them, there’s no sensation. Even when I get a cold chill and would normally feel my nipples get hard, I don’t feel it at the moment. It’s so weird!!
    I know it’s very early days but wondering when other people’s stopped being so numb x


    I’m not sure exactly but I was 4 weeks PO on Sunday and mine are only just starting to come back. The very bottom is still numb but my nipples are slowly starting to work again haha! Hopefully they will be back to normal soon 😀 Xx


    Mine are completely numb too Nikki. Started getting worried about it but did a bit of reading and apparently it’s normal. Could be a few weeks before we get them back lol. I’ll ask on Wednesday at my PO appointment and post what the nurse says anyway xxx

    Nikki 38

    Yeh I thought it might be normal but it’s just such a weird feeling! I want my sensation back lol. I’ve moved my post op to 12 on Wednesday so i get this horrible strapping off quicker! I may see what they say to xx

    Emma 10

    Good you got an earlier app Nikki! I can’t wait….I’ve turned a massive corner today pain wise. Just the pressure of the strapping to be relieved now! And I’m totally numb too, wasn’t sure how long this would take to come back ? Xx

    Nikki 38

    I’m completely back to normal today other than lifting my kids still. But managing to put my hair up and do pretty much anything now. Still not wanting to do to much though as I don’t want to impact my recovery.
    Yes Emma I managed to get an earlier appointment. So glad!!xx

    alli 1

    Rather numb than hyper sensitive to touch like mine and I’m a couple of years out of my second op !

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