Off topic, teeth questions! Started by: sarah85

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  • sarah85

    I used to have braces, but gradually my teeth have been moving again :-( I’m thinking about invisiline? Has anybody had this and was it worth it? I don’t like the sound of veneers (hope that spelt right) coz i heard they grind your real teeth down.


    Yea for veneers they have to do this.

    I had braces in my youth and when my wisdom teeth came out in record time within 3 weeks they ruined it. I had invisalign with 25 and was absolutely worth it. Would do it again. Love my teeth now. It wasn’t anything major but it did bother me.


    Yea my teeth are ok, but I’m proper funny with teeth as they were so horrible as a child! How much did u pay for invisalign? And do they give u a retainer to wear at night or anything? Think this is where I went wrong as a stubborn teen lol!


    I have veneers and they didn’t grind my teeth down. My teeth are still there underneath xx

    xcupcakex 1

    I’m glad you posted this. I had braces in my teens, I’m now 25. I got a retainer after my braces were removed and wore it for a while but one day my dog got hold of it and chewed it up eww!! Anyway, for years I’ve been paranoid that my teeth have moved,I know they have. But I honestly didint know that this could happen so I thought it was all in my head. I’ve just been on google and apprantly teeth can move back to their pre braces state. I’m glad it’s not all in my head so thank you for posting this xx


    I know a few people that have the same problem. Me and a friend are looking at getting this done together.

    Bethy once u have veneers can u take them off? (obv by the dentist) Or will you always have to have them now and replace them?


    I had terrible teeth when I was younger so I had braces and about 2/3 years ago I lost my retainer and my teeth have gradually moved back but not as bad. I got ice-braces fixed on about 2 months ago and they are practically straight again! They are tooth coloured/see-through and nobody noticed them when I was talking until I told them!! This is a much cheaper option too and I highly recommend it. Apparently invisalign really hurts too xx


    All of my teeth are streight except I have just my front tooth that crosses over the other really bad….can I have that tooth grinder down and have a straight vaneer to replace that tooth?



    I have one single veneer, on my 3rd tooth, (the tooth beside my front teeth, hope this makes sense) they had to file my tOoth quite far down to cement the veneer on and so that the old tooth wasn’t visible beneath it. im totally used to it now but took a while to get used to it, it feels like a normal tooth just a little thicker.. and it will only last probably upto 5 year.. Also they can fall off which is quite a worry

    hope this helps.

    so yes JAF, They can Do just a single veneer but might advise gettin your two front ones veered instead of just the one x x


    Ice braces? Never heard of these but will google them :-) are they like train track braces? How long do u have them for?

    Cheers everyone for all your replys :-)


    I had them done in Germany, could have the Invisalign Express and paid about 3800 for everything. Have a permanent retainer in now. They didn’t offer me that when I was a teen


    Euro of course.


    Thanks @chloe69 xx


    Hey sarah85 I have invisalign they r fantastic ! xx


    I am even more tempted to ask my dentist more about this now, I looked up ice braces today and having train tracks again would not put me off getting them straightened :-) cheers girlies!


    im a dental nurse and we do invisalign… the results are amazing and definately worth the cost, plus if you dont like the idea of train tracks invisalign are nice and discreet! theres also another type of clear brace called clearstep, but with clear step (slightly cheaper) you have to have lots of impressions of you mouth taken whereas with invisalign you have one set of impressions taken of your mouth then its all computerised and they get a 3d image of your mouth to work with. veneers are very aesthetic but definately if you grind your teeth they will probably become loose and fall off then its a waste of money! try a nightguard to help with the grinding! :) xxx


    I had train tracks for almost 3 years and when I had them off, my retainer was like the invisilign brace.

    It did make me talk a little bit funny, but no one knew I was wearing them unless I told them. They took me a while to get used to as I kept spitting when I spoke. I then didn’t wear them for a while and my front tooth kicked out a bit. I stuck the invisilign brace back in and within a few weeks of wear my teeth were back to normal.

    I also have a partial train track (but without the blocks) on the inside of my teeth at the bottom to hold them in place. I couldn’t have them on the top because of my bite.

    Anyway the moral of this story is that I’d do invisilign over train tracks for sure, even it was most costly. X


    Cheers will happy :-)

    natasha92 9

    hiii I have had braces in my teens (the metal ‘train track’ average type! ) and shortly after my teeth did start and go back to the way they were. & I was not pleased with my results as I still had a bit of an overbite. I opted for invisilign and the results were absolutely great!… I had them for a 9 month I think ( can’t remember exactly!). & I just got used to them straight away, no one even noticed I had them in! They were quite pricey I think my overall charge was about £2500. I have to still wear my final moulds for bed but they can be used for the home whitening kit which is handy!. It has absolutely changed my confidence, talking to people, getting in photographs etc! definete reccomend! xxxx

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