Op in 4 days and I'm worried the size I picked will be too big! Started by: Charlotte

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  • Charlotte 5

    Hi girls, I have my op on Thursday!! I’m soooo nervous! I’m starting to think 350cc will be too big for my frame, I’m 5’1 and a size 6, currently a 32a. Does anyone have picture who has similar stats and same size? I also can’t make my mind up weather to have partials or unders! It’s so bloody hard to know if I’m making the right decision! I guess the nerves are getting the better of me and making me panic like mad!! Xx


    Hi Hun don’t worry I’m not sure about the partials or unders I thought the surgeon picked that but I was the same before my op, I had 450cc which was the biggest I could get I was overthinking it like crazy!! I’m 9st 7 5ft 4. I would say to go with the biggest as a lot of girls get boob greed and I kept thinking ‘I would rather wake up and think they are to big than waking up thinking they are to small’ 🙂 try not to otherthink as I sent myself mad! Good luck with your operation xxx

    louise 11

    What size are you wanting to be I am similar stats to you and have just booked my consultant appointment. Also what consultant is doing yours if you don’t mind me asking, from what I have read I thought I would be having unders as I’m a 32a but I thougt the surgeon would decide as he know more. Good luck xx

    Charlotte 5

    Chelsea, that’s what I keep thinking! Surly it’s better to be a bit big rather than too small! Think I’m just going to stick with it and get on with it!! Thank you xx

    Louise, I’m hoping to be a D at the most, I was offered 300, 325, 350 and 375 so it’s quite a range which is why I’m not sure! I’m having Dr Mounir xx

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