Overnight stay Started by: Amy

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  • Amy 3

    I am having implant removal, uplift and smaller implants put in on the 24th.. what things did you pack for an overnight stay? When I originally had implants in 2018 I was a daycase so didn’t take much! Has anyone else had this? Was the recovery better/worse the 2nd time round?


    Hey I just had breast uplift and implants this is my second day post op. The reason for overnight stay with uplift because they have to keep the drains in your boobs and take them out in the morning.
    To be fair I didn’t use anything I bought with me just had my phone on me you won’t be able to do anything other than help going to the toilet. They provided me with slippers and a robe


    Hey I just had breast uplift and implants this is my second day post op. The reason for overnight stay with uplift because they have to keep the drains in your boobs and take them out in the morning.
    To be fair I didn’t use anything I bought with me just had my phone on me you won’t be able to do anything other than help going to the toilet. They provided me with slippers and a robe

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