Parents, how did you tell them? Started by: Eve

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  • Eve 19

    The worst part of planning the op has been telling my mum and dad. They don’t understand why, but I suppose parents never will. They’re coming to accept it more now as I’m only 3 weeks away, but I’m dreading when my nan finds out, I feel she might beat me down! How did you tell your parents? How did they react? Xx

    kelly3322 21

    I texted my mam as I was so scared lol. She told my dad, and then I sort of avoided them for s bit then I needed them to watch my daughter for the day so I sort of just had to tell them. They aren’t /weren’t happy but I think they realise that it’s something I did for me and no one else. I had my op on Sunday and so happy. Xxx

    Nicky 15


    I had my first consultaiom which went well I still have it in my mind I want this done. And I’m booked to see the surgeon in February. I’ve only told my sister and not my mum,and dreading telling my mum coz I don’t want her to think, what the hell am I doing! And she’s not even gonna expect me to tell her somthing like this…. But it has to be done I guess. Hope she’ll understand x


    It’s hard because they call you stupid but you have to make them aware you’re doing it for you and no one else. & it’s not about how people look at you and say U look fine it’s how U feel and they will never ever feel that. That’s what I told my Mom and she said it was my decision. I’m glad I told her though because i wouldn’t like to hide it just incase something went wrong! So many people are doing it without telling parents, that’s scary! Good luck xx


    Hiya ladies!

    I was also so worried, particuarlly with my Dad and older Brother!! MY mums been so so supporting researching with me and coming to all my consultations!! My dad knew something was going on as me and Mum we’re always off up to London for ‘personal’ reasons!

    My family know I’ve never been happy with my small boobs so it isn’t a shock! My mum told my dad and he was 100% completetley understanding which has really made me more excited to get them done as I know I have my families support.

    So sorry to hear some of your parents aren’t overly happy for you however they’re going to see first hand how much happier and confident your new twins will make you!


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