Payment receipt … Started by: Kim

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  • Kim 21

    Hi ,I paid by cash in full few week ago to Mya ‘s bank account with the given pay in slips but I haven’t got the confirmation from Mya .Does anyone paying by cash like me get a receipt from Mya ? I phoned them to ask about it and they said one of the staff will call me back but I haven’t heard anything from them …start to worry as my op is on 7th of Sept …

    Samantha 20

    I didn’t get any confirmation for my payment i had to ring them, they said they’d already sent me a email then said they’d send it again but i never got it in the end! x


    I had the same issue, I paid last week and hadn’t received a receipt. I had my pre op consultation so I asked my PC then sent an email this morning and I got emailed the receipt straight away xx

    Louise 9

    They should definitely provide you with a receipt, keep hassling them for one, I received a confirmation email receipt as soon as I paid xx

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