perfect size for me? Started by: salwa

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  • salwa 22

    Okay so what do you think. I am 5’3 and about 9 and a half stone in weight. I also do weight lifting and carry a bit of muscle. I want to go for 400cc over the muscle, round and high profile implants. .. but I don’t want them to be extremely big and ridiculous on me. Who else has 400cc with a similar height?

    I don’t want to go small incase I come out regretting it! Do you get to choose whether it’s under or over because I defiantly do not want to go under the muscle. X

    Amylouk 58

    Hey chick. I’m 5ft 3 and weight about 10 and a half stone. I had 450cc high profile , over the muscle implants and I love the size. I’m only a week post op but feel free to have a look x

    Amylouk 58

    Ps your surgeon will advise you over or under based on current Breast tissue and skin etc. I was a small 34C pre op (although looked liked a B) so had enough Breast tissue for overs. Some girls get lucky and can have the choice. they call them unders but they are really partials. The top of the implant is under the pectoral major and the bottom Is out over the muscle. Does give a nice natural look and is supposed to stop rippling etc . But your surgeon will know best hun. Hope this helps xx

    salwa 22

    Thsnks girl I really want to avoid unders as much as I can! Takes longer to heal I’m a 32 c now.. I need to heal faster due training and stuff…

    I will check your pictures! Many thanks 🙂 x


    Hey chick I think overs will be best for you if your pushing weights as I had unders and worked at bar so u have idea that I’m havey on my arms so that in itself coursed problems for me as im right handed every time I was flexing my right chest muscle this was grabbing hold of my implant and pulling out of shape which was turning in CC and over the last 2 years was coursing a lot of pain so ive had my implants placed over the muscle this time and they are fab xx

    salwa 22

    Do you think 400cc is a good size?

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