pics up of summit thats causing me pain? Started by: stacey

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  • stacey

    heya girls, I have been having extreme pain on my incision on my left boob, I thought this was due to being left handed….having a baby to look after..etc….but I have looked at my boob in the mirror and can see some connective tissue or summit that is pulling….and that is exactly wat my pain feels like? why has this happened and has any one else had this?? it is really painfull and if I had my way I would bloody snip it….it is killing me 🙁 xxx

    Nicole 1

    I’ve seen someone else with this…think it may have been Chelsea?? But it could be a mondor cord which is to do with a vein I think. Not sure if I have called that right. Apologises Chelsea if it wasn’t you. Could also be scar tissue which massage could help but don’t do anything til u know what it is. Can you email the pic to the clinic?

    Nicole 1

    Sorry Chelsea it was Nikki….if you put Mondors cord in search at top there is a couple of threads on them! X


    Its called mondors cord babe and it completely heals itself In a few weeks. Mines gone now. Ibuprofen ajd wark compresses work but I didnt need anything x


    thanks girls 🙂 I have messaged my pc,but it seems I don’t hear from her any more…oh well, pills, massage and warm compress I suppose xx

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