POD4 Started by: Gina

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  • Gina 47

    Still not liking my boobs. Cried again this morning. They feel so so heavy on my chest I’m walking round with a hunch back which is then giving me a bad back. They are still numb round the nipples and underneath and they are still very hard. Is this normal? When do they change? I’ll attach a photo from today xxx

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    Bonnie 8

    I think they look great! I’ve been walking around with a hunchback too (I’m 12 days now and it’s only just got better) but for the past few nights my mum has been massaging my back and shoulders for a few minutes and its made me feel so much better and looser – it’s made such a difference. I think it’ll gradually get better and they will stop feeling as heavy as your skin stretches and gets used to them. It’s still early days and I think they look fab. x

    Sophie 14

    They look great Gina!! I’m still feeling the same way about mine. Plus it’s not helping that I aren’t sleeping very well at night!! Can’t get comfortable at all on a night, don’t really like my v pillow to be honest. I’ve been crying today too. What happens at our 1 week post op appt?? Do we get to see our incisions and stuff? Xxxxx

    Gina 47

    Thanks Bonnie I hope your right!
    Sophie why you been crying? I’ve felt exhausted today after being shopping, I cried first thing this morning just cos I feel so shitty in the mornings with the weight on my chest.
    And then looking at them in the mirror I feel like I’m gonna fall over when I don’t have a bra on. I just want them to drop n soften ???? Yeah the 1 week post op your nurse will take your dressings off to see how your healing and I’m not 100% sure on this but I think she will change them to tape so you can then shower with them. When’s yours Wednesday? Xxxx

    Sophie 14

    Well I was crying because my partner was being nasty saying ‘I aren’t running around for you for god knows how long when YOU decided to have them done’ and I just felt crap anyway because of having barely any sleep so I was just emotional anyway and it didn’t help. My chest is hurting too, feels so heavy. I’ve just changed my Macom and must say I feel loads better already. I bought the signature one but also the ultimate one. So I’ve popped the ultimate one and I feel much more supported.
    It’s more under my boobs that hurt but I guess that’s because Mr Traynor had to lower my breast crease and stuff too.
    Oh that’s good and I hope that’s true. I can’t wait for a really good shower, to get my nails done and get my hair coloured. Think once I’ve done all of that I’ll feel loads better.
    I agree, I can’t wait for them to drop and soften too! Patience is key but I’m lacking in it right now! Xxxxx

    Kim 21

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    Sophie,I feel for you .I am in the same stage as you .I am fed up of staying in all days,having broken nights ,feeling so uncomfortable …I just pray for Wednesday come quickly when I can have my breast band off and hopefully be able to have a bath properly …I was told that I should try to sleep up right for 6 weeks …oh God ,can’t see how I would be able to manage it 🙁 feeling down today …

    Deb 6

    Hiya. Hang on in there as it does get better. I’ve had so many tears through pain, lack of sleep and the way I now look. I’m almost 4wks and they still feel really heavy and about to drop off but at least I’m walking properly now and sleeping a bit better. I’ve asked myself so many times why did I do this? But I have to say my tears are getting less and I’m feeling more like me. Just know that on bad days you are not alone xx

    Sophie 14

    Awww thank god for that Kim. I hate to hear that you’re feeling the same but it’s nice to know I’m not the only one! When I changed my Macom earlier I did actually look in the mirror and thought ‘I’m starting to like my boobs’ even though they’ve got tons of changes to make. It’s just the sleeping upright and not been able to have a bath that’s making me feel fed up! I love my baths. Hopefully I don’t have to wait too long until I can have one! Sleeping upright for 6 weeks?!?! I don’t think I’m gonna manage it ???? Xxxxx

    Toni 24

    Aww Gina I think they look amazing Hun the size really suits you!! Sophie that’s the last thing you need when your already feeling down anyway, hope you ladies are getting plenty of rest, I just want my boobs drop and fluff the waiting is boring I can’t wait to put a nice backless top on lol xxx

    Morrison -2

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    To make it up to me, I like big breasts, my breasts are too small. Whenever I’m sad I play block blast to comfort myself.

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