POD6 Started by: Gina

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  • Gina 47

    Slight pain under right boob every so often, thinking this is down to being right handed? Dressings still look clean etc! Can’t wait for my 1 week post op to make sure everything’s ok. Cannot stand the itching!!! ???????? xx

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    Sophie 14

    Gina they look great!!! I can’t wait for my 1 week post op appointment either. You should be very happy. How’s the bloating?? Mines going down! 😀 I had pain under my right boob from Saturday night and all day yesterday and I think its down to doing more stuff with my right hand as I’m right handed too xxxx

    Gina 47

    Thanks Sophie! My 1 week is tomorrow but my appointments actually Wednesday ☹️ Never mind I just can’t wait to have a bath I bet I’ll end up having to wait another week knowing my luck!! Yeah I think it’s from that too, surely if we’re both having it it must be pretty normal. Bloatings gone down a lot now thank god! Glad to hear your feeling better ❤️Xxxxx

    Sophie 14

    Oh really? 🙁 my appointments Wednesday too. Which clinic you going to and what time you there?? I honestly can’t wait to have a bath. Need to get booked in to have my nails and hair done and once I’ve had my hair coloured, got my nails back on and had a nice bath then I will feel so much better. I think it is definitely normal chick 😀 mine has too but not as much as I’d like haha. Awww thanks. Glad you’re feeling good too! (L) xxxxx

    Kim 21

    Hi girls ,I have my 1 week post op this Wednesday too.wonder if you two have any stretch marks …I am worried as I can see some on mine …xx

    Sophie 14

    Hey Kim, eek how exciting! I hope my incisions are heading well! I don’t have any, fingers crossed I don’t get any. I religiously applied bio oil and coconut oil to mine though and had been for 2/3 months before my op so maybe that’s helped xxxx

    Kelly 8

    Gina they look amazing!!! Im glad you are feeling better, I hope to god mine look as good!! xx

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