possible anesthesia side effects or drug side effects? Started by: Oprah

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  • Oprah

    hey girls

    my op was yesterday , as i was back in my room the back of my thighs started itching like crazy!! then my heart started racing , it hit just over 100 beats per min !!! (it was 53 beats per min before op so it doubled!!!) i started panicking and was screaming at the nurse to help me and get a dr ASAP looooool i thought i was dying omg hahahaha , they then put me on the drip and it stopped the racing and itching , just wanted to know if anyone else experienced this?

    also i noticed that again my legs started itching like CRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZYYYYYYYYYYY!!! was wondering if was the antibiotics , my belly was feeling iffy as well x

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