Hi all,
Edit; just realised I started a thread about this a while ago but can’t delete this! I also couldn’t find when I searched before 😛 Any stories welcome though
I’ve been saying for years that I want a reduction as, even when I was at my lightest weight, my breasts were still massive.
I’ve been tackling my weight this year so I should be down to a healthy range by the end of this year. The serious saving for the op will commence following my 34th bday so I should be ready for a pre-op appointment in the summer, if not sooner.
Whilst I don’t currently have a partner, and the likelihood of having a kid is slim, I was wondering if any of you have had a baby within a few years of surgery and what your experiences were. More so I know what to expect, what to plan for if I decide to have a kid etc…
I chatted with someone in here last year I think about recovery time and such which was helpful in terms of work, so i’ll be sure to factor that in too!