Post op day 2, pain! Started by: Imogen

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  • Imogen 2

    Hi ladies I’m post op day 2 after having unders and having my first experience of real pain today! Like a sharp pain in my breast with the larger implant, doesn’t hurt at the incision more feels as if my muscle is in pain? Is this normal? They aren’t red or leaking just the larger implant is slightly more swollen, should I be concerned? Xx

    Tracy 35

    Hi Hun I’m 9 days post op now and my right is still more painful than my left it’s also a lot more swollen, I think it’s just there healing at different speeds, I get a shooting pain in my right that seems to go on forever, think we’ve just got to go through the motions Hun, and allow the healing to take its course, if your concerned at all give the nurse a call and see what she says, hope this helps Hun xxx

    Imogen 2

    Hey thanks Tracy that makes me feel a bit better! Spoke to nurse she said it sounds normal to be sore and more swollen in the bigger implant and considering I’m only 2 days post op it’s to be expected! Still a bit worried though seeing as there’s some scary stories on here of complications! Sat very still with ice on my sore boob and it definitely helps! Xx


    I’m post op day 2 as well and my pain comes and goes but when it comes it’s unbearable ? My right side is much more painful than my left aswell… X x

    Imogen 2

    It’s so painful isn’t it crystal mine feels like a stabbing pain underneath my muscle whenever I move or sit up! Only in the right breast though ! Hope you feel better soon! So scary isn’t it x


    Yeah it’s horrible, I definitely under estimated the pain! The things we put ourselves through!? I can’t even really see mine properly due to strapping. Hope you heal up ok and the pain gets easier! X x

    Imogen 2

    In agony right now, any movement makes my right breast burn inside with pain it’s brought me to tears ? Doesn’t help that both are quite swollen and my bra feels so tight! Really suffering today absolutely miserable x

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