Post op girls Started by: Claire

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  • Claire 59

    Do any of you girls have any idea how I can get my post op bra to stop rubbing my scares?
    Also does anyone know when I can start using something on them yet if so what?
    Sorry I’m three weeks post. Xx


    Have you tried buying some gauze and putting that over? When I had my dressings off my nurse gave me some incase my bra rubbed. No need to stick it down just place it over where your scars are so your bra holds it in place xx


    Also I think with scar gels/cream etc it may be subject to what your surgeon recommends as I’ve seen lots of conflicting advice. I got told to wait until they were closed (which they were 1 week po when my dressings were removed) and then start putting some simple moisturiser on like e45. After 2 weeks I can then start applying a firm pressure when rubbing it in. My surgeon has said to avoid scar gels and oil and just use basic moisturiser. Obviously check with yours to see what his advice may be Hun xx

    Claire 59

    Thanks Hun I’ll try the gauze thing it’s worth a go.
    Yer I thought that there was conflicting info about that. I think I’ll just give it a miss for a few more weeks.
    Thank you . Xx


    No worries Hun I’m gutted as I threw mine out as they weren’t rubbing at all.. and guess what, tonight they are! Typical! Hope it helps you. I’ll have to buy more haha xx

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