Post op! Surgery finito! Started by: Natasha

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  • Natasha

    Hi guys!

    I was 32a (if that) before op and I had 265cc natrelle implants under the muscle. I wanted to go as natural as possible as I have quite a small body frame 6/8 weighing 9 stone and 5ft 3. I’m hoping to reach a C cup. However I have a feeling that I might just be a full b small C. My surgeon recommended 265cc to suit my body frame. I am feeling okay surprisingly my chest feel a bit heavy but I can’t stop looking in the mirror at them haha. As soon as I woke up I pulled down my gown and had a peek and the nurse kinda told me off haha. But so far I am pleased. Anything was better to the flat chest I had before! I did not go with MYA but went with Transform instead. Please feel free to ask me any questions as I know how important asking questions and reading forums were to me. I will attach a photo of my bandaged boobies so you know what to expect post op. Please excuse my nipples haha. X

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