Pre op and Po ladies please read!! Started by: beckymichelle

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    Post-Operative Tips

    Some helpful reminders of things to do and continue to practice for a quick and successful post-operative healing!

    ~You MUST have an adult drive you home from the surgical facility. ~You MUST spend the first 24 HOURS with a responsible individual.

    ~Use EXTREME CAUTION during the first 24 HOURS after surgery, the effects of anesthesia can linger.

    ~You may experience moderate discomfort but try to not tense up (this will increase the pain). ~Drink plenty of fluids to rid the body of any medications administered during surgery.

    ~Eat easy-to-digest foods that are not high in fat in small quantities, for the first few days after surgery.

    ~It is important to have a bowel movement within the first two days after surgery. If you are unable to do so, try using a stool softener.

    ~Limit lifting, pulling or pushing for the first 10 days after surgery and maintain MINIMAL activity for the first 48 HOURS after surgery….just RELAX!

    ~If you plan to go outdoors, wear sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher); the sun’s rays can reach incisions through swimsuits and garments, and this may cause irritation and redness to your scars.

    ~AVOID all sports and strenuous activities for 6 to 8 weeks, or until your surgeon clears you (this is to avoid swelling, bruising and bleeding).

    ~Contact your surgeon if you are experiencing SEVERE PAIN that is not responding to the prescribed medications, swelling that is greater on one side or the other, discharge from incision, incisions that are RED of FEVERISH, or if a FEVER arises.

    ~Consider returning to work once you feel able or upon clearance from your surgeon.

    ~Avoid the use of alcoholic beverages for the first 24 HOURS after your surgery (or as long as pain medications are being used) to prevent dilating your blood vessels, which causes unwanted bleeding.

    ~DO NOT take prescribed medications on an empty stomach, unless directed to do so by your physician.

    ~Take short showers or sponge baths for the first two weeks after surgery, and DO NOT soak in a bathtub until your physician directs you to do otherwise.

    ~DO NOT smoke for the first 7 days following your surgery; smoking will delay the healing process. ~DO NOT use a hot tub or swimming pool for 4 weeks.

    ~It is common for breasts to be up to your chin or out to your armpits. The swelling will go down so DO NOT freak out just yet!

    ~Get lots of rest and listen to your body, DO NOT overdo it!

    Disclaimer: Always consult your doctor to find the treatment that is right for you. Individual results may vary. COPYRIGHT 2011 DOVEINK, LLC .ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

    Post-Operative Tasks

    Pictures: Take after pics!

    Blue Markings: The blue will wash away in a couple days.

    Itching: This is from your nerve endings coming back to life. Ice helps with this.

    Getting up: To get up from the edge of the couch, get your butt to the edge, put your feet about 2-3 feet apart with your toes pointing out, bend your knees, try to keep a straight back and then stand up by straightening your knees (like a ballerina) Hold on to your boobs.

    Start to walk around a little as soon as possible and get some fresh air.

    • Take a coffee can or something with a lid for the ride home in case you get sick.

    • Why do other things hurt except/in addition to my boobs? Surgery is a pretty big shock to the body, and what our body goes through during an augmentation is very intense. Shoulders, arms, back, ribs, etc. can hurt. Not only do we go through a great trauma, but we are guarded post-op and over compensate to avoid hurting our boobs, we end up using poor body mechanics that can cause pain elsewhere. Hunching puts a lot of strain on your back muscles as well as pulling on your SI/lumbar area (tailbone region).

    • Why am I bloated? This is NORMAL. Don’t panic; don’t go on a crash diet. A lot of people come out bloated. This will go away much like the gurgles; it can take 1-3 weeks.

    • I am nauseous! If you have had problems with nausea in your past when taking medications. Get a prescription for anti-nausea meds before you even go home from surgery. Phenergan works well.

    • If Nipples are stuck “ON” and you DON’T have areola incisions, you can use silicone nipple covers to chill them out.

    • I think I messed something up!! A lot of us did this; you lose footing and hear a pop. Most of the time it’s OK. Call your PS if you experience any pain after a “pop” incident. You’ll know what it is when it happens to you, it probably will – it’s scary, and upsetting but you’ll probably be OK.

    • Scar treatment! Do NOT start this without approval by your PS. If your incision isn’t fully healed (it may look like it) and you put silicone scar management on it you can cause some problems.

    • Burning pain on sides of breasts and under breasts. Basically, any burning pain is usually because your nerves are healing. Nerves are sensitive and when they are stretched, they will need to heal. Healing nerves can cause bizarre and sometimes painful sensations. Vitamin C is known to help nerves heal.

    • If you think you have problems, look for signs. Increased pain, increased swelling, redness, warmth (your skin on the painful area can get warm, could be an infection. Call your PS to get checked. You cannot afford an infection. This applies as long as you have breast implants, bacterial infections must be treated seriously.

    • Your breasts can heal any way they want; right to left, inside out, outside in, etc. They can also drop and fluff any way they want. One may drop before the other, keeping pictures of your progress really help you to keep track of changes.

    • Don’t Forget! You paid not only for pre-operative care and your surgery, but also for post-operative care. Don’t worry about sounding needy, dramatic, or anything else. Call your plastic surgeon if you’re worried about something. Be your own advocate, and if you can’t, find someone who will be.

    • Time to ENJOY this for what it’s worth. This is, in most cases, something we’ve all dreamed of. Try to make it the best experience possible and think of the end result. Protect your investment. Remember life before this, save your before picture to reflect upon if you forget how things were.


    scarlett9 1

    How lovely of you to post this! I hope others have read it and found it as informative as I have in particular the post op burning pain I’ve recently been experiencing! Just the nerves so not to panic! Thanks hun for posting this! X


    Yeah this is really helpful becky…lots on there I had forgotten!

    Hope you’re doing ok hon xx


    Fantastic post beckymichelle! x

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