Pre op girls Fact not Fairytale please read and bump Started by: Nicole

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  • Nicole 1

    Hi girls…my intention is not to be the bringer of doom but just to highlight the risks and issues associated with a BA.
    So often these are skirted over or we ignore them as we put on rose tinted glasses in pursuit of the perfect pair of boobs….
    If they are not perfect before they will not be afterwards. The surgeon can work wonders but not miracles.
    If you have a wide gap to begin with you will after for example.

    1. Pain: for some this can be severe and last for the point you need help with everything from dressing to going to the toilet and even just getting out of bed….for others it’s just a bit of discomfort…
    2. Infection: with all surgery there is a risk of infection…this can be extremely serious. It can be sorted with antibiotics but if it get severe the implant could have to be taken out. One girl on here had a nasty infection. It’s very frightening.
    3. Seroma….this is a build up of fluid often around the implant….the body can absorb some fluid but too much and you may be back in theatre under the knife.
    4. Hematoma …build up of blood in the beast…very painful and larger bleeds could need surgical intervention…at least one girl on here has had this.
    5. A blood clot in the legs dvt or pe ( in the lungs) a rare but real risk of surgery. This can be life threatening!
    6. Changes to sensation of breast… Numbness of breast and nipples or heightened sensation to nipples…I have both as do numerous other girls. This should improve in time but could be permanent.
    7. Asymmetrry …your breasts could end up different sizes…a number of girls are experiencing this on here. It could be temporary and could be permanent and need surgical revision.
    8. Rupture of implant…there are girls on here this has happened too…although most seem to have older implants. They will need to be removed or changed.
    9. Implant displacement. Can occur with unders and while very rare could require surgical correction.
    10. Implant pocket too big…implant moves around causing shape probs…could need further surgery.
    11. Stretch marks…..common and the bigger you go the More chance you have…many girls on here experience this.
    12. Veins…more visible…yep got this one as have many others.
    13. Necrosis / keloid scarring …keloid is basically not attractive ugly raised scarring, necrosis is were the skin and tissue dies and will need surgery and possible skin graft…very rare but it has still happen to someone!
    14. Capsular contraction….the skin produces scar tissue around the implant and scar tissue shrinks…if it shrinks too much it can misshape and harden breast, often painful .often need surgical revision. Most common issue with implants 1 in 10 girls will have this within 3 years! Number of girls on here have had this.
    15. Rippling…when you can feel or see the edges or ripples of the implant…I have this not too bad at the moment but enough to make me realise things can go wrong and you don’t always get the perfect result…..
    16. Boob farts….your boob can make strange noises…excuse me….this should only be temporary.
    17. Anxiety….the journey is a massive emotional roller coaster. Do not underestimate it!

    18. You may simply not like them..a number of girls on here hate they new additions.

    There are many things that could and do go wrong…so having surgery is not something to be taken lightly.
    Ultimately with my personal various issues I still love them at the moment and I am so please I have had them done…but please do go into it with your eyes open. Pre op we only want to hear the Fairytale and most girls will get that and have fab boobies to flaunt.

    Finally YOU MAY JUST LOVE them and have zero problems and live happily every after and I wish you all the luck that you do!! Xxx
    I can guarantee this post will get push down quickly because pre op we have tunnel vision to getting some boobs…..


    A great post Nicole..x


    this is a realy good post and all girls looking to book should read, i’m booked in for next week and wish i had known all of the possible complications (some on the list i hadnt heard o ff) so i could of researched them all abit more. I also wish i didnt book ony first consultation as the lack of communication from mya booking wrong implants etc so girls make sure its right for u!


    Excellent post xAmen to that xxx I have waited 20 years for my op weighed up the pros and consx still don’t know if half the things you have posted on here will apply to me or not but I still believe that this surgery was what I wanted and what was best for me and totally went in with my eyes open x I’ve had surgery that was needed medically in the past that has not worked out how I hoped it would x so on that basis I was prepared to give it a go I knew that this would not be a quick fix and will take time to get the results I wanted but I also know I wasn’t happy with what I had before either xx

    Nicole 1

    I nearly done it ten years ago….and chickened out because of the risks and lack of aftercare available then!

    The rippling just made me sit up and notice….I wanted it done so much I had the classic it won’t happen to me syndrome…

    I’m still really really pleased I’ve done it but we all have that tunnel vision when we really want something and I just want people to realise it is not an easy option physically or financially and there are risks just because it’s cosmetic and private doesn’t mean things can’t go wrong .

    But it can also make you feel a million dollars so just weight up pros and cons and what’s right for you. ….going for the biggest offered isn’t necessarily the best option even if u get boob greed…..u can’t see boob greed! Rippling you can! Stretch marks you can, veins you can!

    I’d still love to be bigger though lol @ hypocrit! 🙂


    A very good post and think everyone considering the op should read. I’d wanted the surgery for over 10 years and looked into all the implications think people need to think long and hard before entering into it xx

    Laura 13

    A very good post. I think its important to know that getting a ba does not mean getting a perfect pair of boobs.


    Fantastic post x I did years of research and I’m in agony but everyone told me it wouldn’t be so bad 🙁


    Great post, this should be added to the boobie bible… It is a lot to take in when deciding whether or not to go ahead with the op, I don’t think that anyone should decide to get the operation without doing all the research, looking at all the facts and taking quite a lot of time to think it over.. Mr traynor made it clear to me about the gap when I went for my consultation because mine is quite big and he did go over all of the risks and the chances but I did my own research too and a lot of googling and looking on forums! Xx

    Laura 13

    Yes Mr Traynor did the same with me Katie. I have big gap too and he told me straight that id still hav big gap. Id rather be told the truth than lied to.


    Yeah Mr Traynor was really good at making it clear to me too!! He said the only way I will get cleavage is with the right bra. He explained what rippling was, what causes it and the unfortunate way to reduce it! He went through all the main complications involved. He was very straight forward and honest .. I liked him straight away ! X


    Me too Lisa he was very thorough with everything x

    Nicole 1

    Glad it’s helpful…..

    Just so many girls enter into this without really knowing the facts. Risks may be discussed but if they have no medical knowledge it can just go right over your head.

    Girls I’m still really happy I’ve done it….it’s not meant to be a negative!

    Rose 1

    Great post Nicole we all hope for the best but you just never know… xx

    kathryn 1

    You’re completely right, i’ve have problems after my op and now I need a second corrective op x


    Glad you posted this hun x


    I developed an infection which thankfully healed became mr mounir acted straight away but I spent 4 weeks worrying that if the hole did not close my implant could have been exposed and subsequently removed which would have left me lobsided throughout the entire was very distressing! I must add though this was not the fault of my surgeon who wad incredible. My advice is that if u detect any kind of problem that seems suspicious such as redness and soreness in only one breast act straight away as it can be rectified.Good luck girls xxx


    just out of curiosity, does anyone know if something did go wrong and you needed corrective surgery how long it takes from diagnosis to actualy having the surgery?

    Nicole 1

    There does seem to be mixed reviews in getting corrective surgery but many of the girls that had probs such as Julie’s infection seem to have been look after pretty well.

    Nicole 1

    Just a bump…..I know I’m on my soap box about this….but I really think a lot of people go into this too lightly…..

    Girls do your research understand the pros and cons and make your own decisions….not what someone who doesn’t know you advises you to do.

    bella212 1

    wow nicole ur such a fab person to put that up so caring hun xx

    Nicole 1

    After reading a few things tonight and speaking to a girl today completely oblivious to what can happen wanted to bump this up…


    Thank you x

    Nicole 1

    Bumping it up to back up Alb


    This is a great post and all girls who are researching or waiting should give it a look over… Great post xx


    Bump xxx

    Nicole 1

    Been asked to bump this up x sorry for all those who seen it before


    Bump bump xx Eric here lol xx

    Nicole 1

    Ha ha I’d take him all day long!!,

    Danielle 2

    I’m going to watch Eric now on the new season

    Nicole 1

    Damn is it starting? Thought it was July?


    Great post Hun :)) xx

    Nicole 1

    As requested

    Freya 70

    Fab post thank you ♡ xx


    Im diabetic so i am really nervous as at more of a risk but i have looked into it carefully and this post is great, i made sure i got consent from my diabetic nurse and doctors and another comforting thing was mya wouldnt continue without permission which is important to me. I have wanted a ba for absolute years and my ops a week today and now its getting closer im getting sooo nervous and such bad anxiety. I do worry a lot as it is.. Xx


    Im diabetic so i am worrying even more as at more of a risk, ive done alot of research but this post is great. Ive wanted a ba for years but would not go ahead without permission from my nurses and doctors at my diabetes clinic. And to put me more at ease mya wouldnt continue without permission either. My ba is a week today and my anxiety levels are so high!!! Xx

    Nicole 1



    Very helpful post for pre op girls Nicola!


    This is a good post and true. Reading through it all nothing has surprised me so I’m glad Iv done my reasearch before hand and read all the info they give you as it tell you a lot and the forum Is so helpful as well. X

    Nicole 1

    We always think it won’t happen to us but it can…so just be aware that these are very possible risks….

    Jasmine 10

    I was one of those girls who never thought it would happen to them. Was healing very well untill 4 weeks PO when I developed a seroma. It was a nightmare and I am just coming out of it now. I know many girls who have had infections and dont think they are as uncommon as it is made out. Do your research, allow your body to rest and heal and if ever you feel anything is not right you know your own body then contact the nurse ASAP


    Completely agree that some people go into this op with little knowledge. bump xx

    Trace 158

    Thanks for this Nicole. My hubby keeps telling me about ‘what ifs’ and I keep saying ‘Nah’, but this post really hits home xx

    Nicole 1

    Thanks girls for your comments…

    Ben H -9

    Even though I’m a guy, I thought I would add my two cents, whether or not this is applicable, I don’t know, but it feels like the right thread. I’ve read that breast implants need changing after every ten years, and as listed in the original post there are so many complications listed with this procedure.

    I’m an advocate of those wishing to get a boob job if it’s because they have no breasts to begin with and it’s for them and their confidence. However, I don’t believe you should have them unless it’s absolutely necessary. If you already have, say, a C cup then just be happy with that. Also, I’m against women who get the biggest boobs possible. Why on earth would you do that? They look horrific. I just think of the barbie look and Pamela Anderson. She regretted the decision and now has had those massive implants taken out of her body.

    Don’t do it because you want to look like a celeb and definitely don’t do it for a guy. Personally, I much prefer natural breasts and small, over massive and unnatural.

    That’s my two cents anyway..



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