Pre op next week – what happens? Started by: Samantha

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  • Samantha 20

    Have my pre op next Saturday Im just wondering whats happens at the pre op, how long does it take etc? Have my op on the 30th June still feels forever away!
    Thanks 🙂

    Samantha 89

    Hey chic. Mine took about 25 minutes, the nurse will talk through your medical history, will take swabs for mrsa in your nose an armpit, she’ll take your height an weight an before photos. Good luck!!! Xxx

    Bethany 4

    i had mine on friday! its just a run though of medical history, your blood pressure and some swabs to test for MRSA and then your height and weight. The nurse will then ask you to remove everything from your top half for before pictures x


    How long was your wait between your first initial consultation to the operation date please?

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