Pregnancy after BA Started by: Jessica (@jessc92)

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    Has anyone had a baby after your BA?
    How long after BA can you have a baby?
    Obvs it might affect your boobs but I’m curious as to when it’s safe to have children? I’m looking to have kids in a year or two xx

    Amylouk 58

    I was thinking the same hun. I will prob have children in the next 2-3 years and I’m worried if I go too big they will sag? I’m considering going partially under the muscle as I’ve heard that helps stop it? I don’t think It has any effect on breast feeding etc. All my friends have been fine who have BAs with breast feeding etc



    hi ladies! I was wondering the same thing! I was hoping to have kids in the next 2-3 years, I’ve heard it’s fine regarding breast feeding and I know a couple of girls who have had children after a boob job and they tried to wear sports bras as often as poss and they didn’t really get any shape changes so this might be the way forward! x


    Yeah I’m the same. I’m nearly 22 and want kids around 25, my partner thinks different and wants them right now!! Haha sorry noobs are coming first I’ve waited far too long!! 🙂 yeah I’m partials, having 400/425cc! I’ve read that if you wear a supportive sports bra they should be fine. Xx

    KarinaC 10

    Hun my neighbour had a baby two years after, she sleeps in her sports bra religiously and didn’t breast feed and hers look fab! Xxx


    Yeah I’m thinking year and a half/ 2 years xx


    My pc suggested waiting a year to get pregnant to let them settle properly x


    Thanks 🙂 xx

    Amylouk 58

    I’m 27 but think I’d like to start a family by the time I’m 30! Yes my sister still wears her sports bra a lot even 5 years later so I think that’s the trick to stop the sag!


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