Preparing for the big day Started by: Shay

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  • Shay 2

    So I’ve got my BA op next Friday.
    And I’ve got everything I’ll need on the day as I’ll be a day case. But I’m not sure what I’ll need when I get home? Was there anything you ladies had that was an extra help in your recovery?

    Would be great to know :D!xx


    What have you got for the day … i am so unorganised and dont really know where to start. I think i know what i need and when i go shopping i have a mind blank ha xx

    Shay 2

    Haha what you playing at woman?!!
    No I’m joking well I managed to order a post op front fastening bra from Asda! They are proper great! Got a few sports bras from sports direct.
    I bought a few blouses as my sister told me I may not be able to lift my arms up for a week haha so just tops easy to slip on and off. And a few skirts as trying to prise my trousers off may be hard too haha. A massive V pillow for my lazy days.
    But that’s actually it really :/.

    Just to add my sister had a few microwaveable wheat pads too because she had terrible back pain lol xx


    Haha.. Tell me about it!
    Oh has your sister had hers done too?
    Ive had a look on the asda website and they have all sold out 🙁 Think i will have to get one from Marks & Spencers.. Just its like £15 difference just to do the same job :\ Ha.
    The sports direct ones are good.. i had them when i was pregnant and just after.. until they gradually started getting too big 🙁 lol!
    What size are you going too? xx

    Shay 2

    Yeah she had hers done earlier this year. They look amazing. I wanted mine done before her though lol.
    :/ gosh really?
    I’ve heard the M&S ones are great though. It’s true.. Well expensive because I was going to get a macom bra but my sister said it actually caused her more pain than a normal one.
    Yeah can’t wait to put on the proper sporty ones. Have you still got yours? Maybe you could fit into them again?
    Oh gosh is it bad that I don’t know what size in cc they will be haha I was just too excited to concentrate.
    Erm I think 400 and something anyway. I’m a 32B hoping to go to a D or DD
    how about you hun?xx

    Samantha 1

    Id recommend Ice packs, Charcoal tablets (for bloating), stool softeners, antiseptic wipes, paracetamol and ibroprufen incase pain isn’t too bad (the painkillers they give you really bloat and constipate you), hot water bottle as it holds heat for longer, make sure you take everything you need to get to down from cupboards, baby wipes, dry shampoo. Think that’s it :-/ Good luck for Friday!! 🙂

    Shay 2

    Awww Samantha thanks babe!
    Proper forgot about all the IMPORTANT STUFF!
    thank you very much chick 🙂 x

    Elishia 1

    You’ve all named pretty much everything but also roll on deodorant & coco butter to stop stretch marks have been life savers for me! You don’t want any deodorant spraying into your incisions & obvs don’t put the coco butter anywhere near them just around the tops of your boobs:) good luck!! Xx

    Shay 2

    God, I’m so glad I posted this.
    I would have been spraying myself without realising.
    Thank you Elishia! 🙂 xx

    Samantha 1

    Palmers do an awesome stretch mark coco butter (in their maternity range) better than bio oil, it smells better and its cheaper. xx

    Shay 2

    Thanks also Samantha. Going to add that to the list of things to purchase.
    Oh you haven’t seen him yet Zoe? LOL I found him proper funny, like hilarious without being hilarious… He didn’t even look at me he just kept looking at my boobies then looking away haha.
    Pretty big chick! Ah I’d love to go to an E… you go girl!
    Haha I’m a hoarder. Ah well, it’s an excuse to go shopping :). I was going to have my boyfriend come with me, but he’s very impatient and WILL irritate me. So my friend Stephanie is coming along.
    How about you babe?xx

    Elisha 1

    Ice hun! But a big bag of ice and some sealable freezer bags! Xx

    Shay 2

    Thank you Elisha :)!
    Very cost effective lol.
    Soo are the ice packs to reduce the swelling or to stop them from aching?xx


    Nope havent even met him yet ha.. im well nervous though. Im not used to getting my boobs out infront of strangers (sure once ive had them done ill want to show anyone and everyone haha!)
    My fiance was going to come but cant as he’ll have to pick our little boy up from nursery.. plus he has to work the morning. Im hoping my mum offers.. As of yet she hasnt.. she ‘cant see what i need it done’.. She’ll come round, she doesnt know it yet but she’ll be coming with me ha.

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