Push up bras and implants Started by: Lucy

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  • Lucy 1

    I had 350cc unders 4 months ago, I’ve gone from a flat a to a double d which is amazing obviously but the boob greed is real at the mo and I really want to enhance them further. Can I wear a push up bra? I can’t find anything in my mya notes regarding this or online, I can’t remember if my surgeon mentioned this. Can I add that this would just be when I go out and not a permanent solution X

    Rali 41

    After 6 weeks you can wear any bra. I am in exactly the same situation ?. I wear every day push up or plunge is a very good option too to enhance the cleavage. I started to wear them after 2 months just to be sure that the healing process is completed

    Jaclyn 41

    Yep I wear push ups padded the lot. I had 350cc too and not big enough so try wearing good bras.

    Lauren 17

    What size were you
    Looking to have? X

    Lucy 1

    Jaclyn how often do you wear a push up bra and did you have under the muscle? I wear T-shirt bras to work and sports bras at home. Like I wore a push up bra all weekend because it was roasting and wanted to show them off lol. I’m just getting mixed messages from people xx

    katie2510 17

    What push up bra have you all hot? I cant find a comfy one

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