Questions about timing x Started by: Beth

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  • Beth 59

    Hi ladies,
    I’m looking to get my boobs done at the end of April.
    But I’ve only got my first consultation on the 18th of march, so I will still need to meet the surgeon and discuss the size I want. Then book in for my opp.

    Do you think I’ll be able to get fitted in end of April?
    Gives me a month to meet with surgeon and book in for opp.

    Thank you ladies x X

    Olivia 30

    It all depends on your availability really. I had my first consultation on 31st December, met my surgeon on 10th January and booked my surgery., had my pre op on 25th January and then met my surgeon again on 28th Feb and then had my surgery on 3rd March, so all in all mine took 8 weeks from my initial consultation to my actual surgery date, and I could of had it earlier if I wanted. It all depends on your availability and the surgeons availability xx

    Beth 59

    Oh that’s is brill then, I’m very flexible so hopefully can get straight in. Thank you chick, how you heeling? Xx @olivia

    Olivia 30

    I don’t want to jinx anything but my recovery has been a breeze so far, I havnt been bed bound at all, first 2 days I was a bit aches and sore and it did hurt to get up from the sofa etc.. but by I woke up on day 3 more or less completely pain free, my incisions are stinging bit but I wouldn’t go as far as saying it’s painful. A lot easier than I thought, and I have got dressed for the first time today and done my make up so I’m feeling so good ATM!xxx

    Jessica 105

    Depends on their availability, I had my PC consult in feb but cant get in with the surgeon to the end of March. I asked her what dates he had available then and he only had two dates left in April at that point. That was Mr Traynor, this was when one of the other surgeons was on the sick so he was alot more in demand. Im assuming that realistically I wont be able to get mine done until May. You never know, you could always get a cancellation if you get lucky. You could email your PC and ask her what dates are available now x


    Beth I’m pretty sure you can book your surgery on the same day as your first consultation without meeting your surgeon. But obviously you need to know what surgeon you want before going in xx

    Danielle 117

    I booked my surgery at my first consultation because I had a certain date in mind and knew I wanted mr traynor, I met him yesterday and have my surgery 5th April. My pc did say yesterday that he’s totally booked up for April and I was lucky I booked when I did or I’d never if got in. Depends on your surgeon and their availability xx

    Jessica 105

    I’ve just spoke to my PC who said Mr Traynor potentially has one date left in April which I’m hearing to wait back to see if I can get it but if not, his next slots are may, so depends who your wanting to go with. April could still be a possibly if its with another surgeon x

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