Re-op happening!! Started by: joannabella

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    And pretty quickly too :) cajano is a legend!! He knows his stuff and has agreed to re-op and said all being well he might have spaces NEXT week!!

    He says it might not be CC though, and more to do with the placement, but he couldn’t rule out CC all together (he says each surgeon is different, and he wouldn’t say it fully was unless I had been operated on)

    So I’m now having 385 responsives full projection overs (or maybes 345 medium responsives if he thinks I’ll get bad rippling), Fricking excited if I’m honest

    I’d like to thank you all for your support, and HELLO fixed boobs :) xx


    Whoop whoop fab news hun really happy for you :)bet you feel soooooo releived x x x


    Yay :) that’s great news honey. So happy for you :) xxx


    Yay :) that’s great news honey. So happy for you :) xxx


    I thought you were having Mr Kazzazi? Really pleased for you with your re op….Mine has been confirmed too by head office, thankfully! I’m over the moon and I’m seeing Mr Traynor tomorrow so will see what he thinks about how to fix me :) xx


    I was, but he wanted me to continue to wait in pain, having cajano now, but I’m happy with him. If I’d seen him sooner I’d have my new boobs by now, instead of waiting for head office to give the go ahead.

    Congrats on yours though :) you got a date yet?! How long did it take head office with you?! Xx

    tracy2010 1

    Aww congratulations, I’m so pleased for you. Wow, how exciting :-) xx


    Thanks Hun. I’m excited and nervous, but hopefully new boobs before the Xmas rush xx


    Thanks Hun. I’m excited and nervous, but hopefully new boobs before the Xmas rush xx


    Brilliant news! New boobies here you come xx


    Congratulations :D xxxx


    big congrats girls, im waiting on head office to confirm if i too can have a reop. marion grob has confirmed i need it and for FREE, but mr C wants to see me again to discuss ;options; whatever that means, i hope i am as lucky as you. best of luck and i hope you get the results you deserve xxx


    Thanks chic! So glad yours is going through too! I still can’t believe they said no at first! I’m glad I’m getting sorted just wish I didn’t have to go through it all again, be worth it for the boobs I paid for xx

    tashiemash 1

    fab news babe :) xx

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