Really scared Started by: Stephy

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  • Stephy

    Hi girls, I’ve only got 6 days left and it’s starting to make me feel ill! I’m so nervous and keep thinking I’ll look stupid. I don’t know what to pack or when I’ll get my admission time? Any tips would be really appreciated! Xxx

    Freya 70

    Try not to panic too much hun. Remember youve done this for a reason so don’t question yourself now. I got my admission time 3 days before op so probably another few days to wait for yours. I’m currently sat in the hospital just coming round from my op and so far I’ve used; magazines, dressing gown, slippers, phone charger & v pillow. You will need clothes to go home in, front fastening is best. If your surgeon doesn’t use strapping you will need a bra. Hope this helps hunni. Good luck and you will be fine xxx

    Karolina 42

    @Stephy enjoy the smooth journey hun while it lasts and seriously you have nothing to be afraid of you are in the safe hands xx

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