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  • HB 2

    Surgeon won’t let me have any bigger than 325cc because he doesn’t perform anything ‘unnatural’ which has upset me tbh because I’m paying so much money! I’m a 32b, 5ft 6 and 8.5 stone. Feel really down that I can’t go any bigger but maybe I’m being paranoid and need to just trust him! Does anyone have any before and after photos of similar stats? And after swelling has gone down if possible, I don’t want small boobs :(x

    HB 2

    I’m a size 8-10 also 🙂

    Tor Shields 78

    If you’re not happy with the size you’ve been offered you should see another surgeon. You don’t want to end up paying all that money and not be happy with the outcome. There will be a maximum you can fit depending on your body but it’s definitely worth getting another opinion. I wanted quite large but could only fit in 475cc x

    HB 2

    I know but the thing is my surgery is 04 March! Photos I saw previously looked bigger and on my catch up yesterday he showed me a photo and it looked barely any different! Iv paid and set up my finance and everything xxx

    Vikky 4

    Which surgeon are you going with?xx

    Marilyn 34

    I have similar sats to you 5ft 6 and 8.5 stone approx and I was offered 295-350 unders as I said I want natural look so I think that’s a normal size for ppl of our sats. If it helps I’ve seen some really nice pics of 275 and ups yano all down to your body shape and they suit alot of people’s frames perfectly. I’m also a 32b now so any breast tissue you already have will also give you a little more. Are you having overs or unders and what profile. I honestly think youl be fine but if you aren’t happy yourself then don’t settle even if it may mean delaying surgery that’s only a decision you can make. Keep looking on here though alot of amazing results with similar size implants xx

    HB 2

    Vicky my surgeon isn’t with mya! And Marilyn I’ve chosen moderate plus profile and I’m having overs! I wanted 350 at least but he has said no! Just hope they come out big on me! I’m so confused I don’t want to delay surgery incase he is right but I also feel like it’ll be too small! I need to trust him is what the nurse said xxx

    Samantha 42

    I have added a woman on Insta, she had 270cc moderate plus and was a 32B. Her surgeon said no to bigger so when she had them done she was so happy with them and didn’t need to go any bigger, honestly she has massive boobs, she’s measured a large D small E, it doesn’t matter the size of the implant, it’s your body and frame that helps the size of the implant, it also depends on your boobs too, that adds to the size, i hope this helped x

    HB 2

    Thank you Samantha that has helped! Was she a lot smaller than me in stats tho? Xxx

    Alex 45

    I was flat as anything Iv just had 350cc Hp partials 8 days ago. And seriously Iv used my friends bra to see what size I may be when Iv heeled and it’s looking like a D cup her is a pic that I last took 2 days ago. I can’t wait till they drop and fluff as you can see from my profile pic I was flat as an ironing board. X hope this helps xxx

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    HB 2

    They look great Alex!! Do they still drop and fluff If you have overs do you know?xxx

    Samantha 42

    Hi yeah I’ve just checked her stats, she is a size 8, 5ft1 and weighs 8 stone hun, honestly try not to worry, your surgeon knows what he’s doing and knows what he’s talking about, they are after all the professionals ? il try show you her boob pic if it lets me xx

    Samantha 42

    Her boob pic

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    Samantha 42

    I taken her info off tho as that’s personal, xx

    HB 2

    Thank you so much!!!! I have my fingers crossed haha!Xxx

    Alex 45

    Hi HB not sure I think they all drop and fluff no matter if it’s under or over. Hope you have a clearer idea now. Xx

    Koral 42

    First surgeon said 275 which I new wouldn’t be enough I wanted 500 next surgeon said with a push I could have the 500 previously a 32b and even with 500 wouldn’t say that was big just upgraded to my new maximum of 775 no idea what they will end up like yet but even this size doesn’t seem massive like it sounds If you think you want bigger then try a different surgeon I cried after meeting the first surgeon knowing I wouldn’t be happy with the size after 150cc is one cup size so figure out what your need to be where you wanna be … x

    Alice 4

    Please bare in mind a lot of this sizing is to do with your frame and clothes size! A 300cc implant will do so much more to a size 6 than a 400cc implant would do to a size 16.
    I originally asked for 275 and the surgeon said 250 would be ideal. I worried, booked a second consultation and now we’re going for 300cc mod + from a 32b. I trust my surgeon entirely but I just needed to re iterate what my expectations and desires were whilst he told me what I can and can’t have.
    Make it clear to your surgeon what you’re looking for, and they’ll make it clear to you what your expectations should be 🙂

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Alice 4.
    Alice 4

    And to add, I’ve seen some girls on here go from a 32b to a 30e/32dd with 300cc implants! It’s all about the frame! Good luck ?

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