Reaug and uplift :) Started by: Saffc

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  • Saffc 6

    Had my reaug and uplift yesterday afternoon with Mr Marcellino, going from 340cc teardrop inplants, to 400cc high profile round over the muscle, with anchor uplift. Had a dream of a time, everyone is so lovely, jokey and chilled out, made me me feel really relaxed and calm. Recovery has been fine, didn’t feel the need for any pain killers but nurse advised to take some of codamol before going to sleep. Drains coming out was painless, the only downside to the whole experience here is the compression machine they strap to your calfs, it pumps up and makes noise every 60 seconds, so didn’t really sleep. Looking forward to next week so I can get this strapping off and see my new beauties. Happy girl right here 🙂 will post better pics once the strapping is off, can’t really see bugger all. Xxx

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    Lilly 3

    How come you had reaug? Xx

    Saffc 6

    Hi lilly, I had a reaug because my implants dropped so much after pregnancy and the right one lost all It’s volume at the top, they were wonky and droopy xx

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