Recommendations for recovery? Started by: Jame

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  • Jame 4

    Hi ladies!

    Starting to get things for my op which on 21st feb.

    Looking for advise on what might of help you with recovery or what you know others have used.
    Also what underwear did you wear after?
    Cloths, and was it alot of blood or just like a period after ??
    Anything would be so amazing thank you.

    Hay0202 6

    I only had specs of blood that lasted Mayb a day but I think a bit of blood is normal. I’d wear a maternity pad for a few days Mayb? I wore granny pants for a while after till I was healed and more comfortable 🙈 and I didn’t wear jeans for ages after Mayb 3 weeks but I was still quite swollen and tender and jeans were not comfy so I wore joggers and leggings for a while or something lose/light. Also I was icing almost every 2-4 hours for a week or so and taking regular pain relief even if I didn’t feel pain. And washing myself after every toilet use with warm water an dabbing or dry lightly with a hair dryer. Try keep the area as clean as possible to stay away from delayed healing / infection. I also ate healthy and lots of water to speed up the healing process. And of course lots of rest not too much vigorous movemenT. Good luck ! Xx

    Jame 4

    Hi! Thank you really helpful !x

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