Research Started by: Shelby

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  • Shelby

    Hello, I’ve just booked my first consultation. Just a few questions, how long did it take until you can have the surgery? How long would ideally need off work?

    Any help would be great. I’m super nervous as my family and friends are not very supportive of it!


    I went for my first consultation in July had surgery on 26th October. Those 3 months went super fast.
    I only had the week off work as I wasn’t able to take anymore time off than that, but thinking about it, I didn’t need anymore time off.
    I had my cast off on the 2nd November and back to work on the 4th November. I had a bit of swelling but nothing major at all. I know everybody is different but I didn’t suffer with pain, barely any bruising and only slight swelling.

    Absolutely over the moon with my results! I’ll post pictures soon!
    Hope this helps

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