Rhinoplasty nose looks bigger Started by: ahmed01

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  • ahmed01

    Hey guys been feeling bit down lately i,m 3 months post op but my nose still looks big and so does the bridge it actually looks bigger than when i had the op and the swelling just wont go away any1 else feel like this ?? and anybody had swelling to the bridge also?

    Sof <3

    Hiya. My bridge is still really swollen and im just over three months post op. Me and georgia were saying the exact same thing, my bridge is still really wide (wider than before) profile is great but i hope the bridge thins out else i wont be 100% happy x

    layla112 3

    Same!! Mine is slightly bigger than before at the mo and hasnt really changed much since cast off…

    But i asked for it to be narrowed and Dr G said he would take it in slightly so would be really shocked if it ended up bigger than before! Surely it cant be… Must be swelling!! 3 months is still quite soon.. have you seen it go down at all? Im 4 weeks post op.



    thanks sofs and layla its just i was looking back at some photos of when the cast came off and it looked so so so nice and slim and now it looks so wide i wanted it a bit wide anyway but it looks like a triangle !!! (to me anyway)…gonna upload pics tonite @ sofs i was speaking to a nurse few weeks back and i asked about the nose bridge being swollen and she goes no the bridge dont get swelling thats when i panicked and thought it looks massive and the nurse is saying theres no swelling there and i was thinking it was swelling just a rollercoaster!!


    Hi there, you should’nt worry about that, I heared about nose right.

    I hope that can realy helpful for you in this case….


    I’m seeing him today at 3 will ask about swelling on the bridge and let you know xxx


    thanks georgiaj i,m seeing him 13th April !!



    Saw mr g yesterday, basically he said to me most of my swelling has gone and I look more 5 monts post op than under 3. I asked him about the swelling on your bridge and that is the first place it goes down. I think the reason they look wider is cos the bump which he has removed was thinner and when he shaved it down under the bone is wider.

    I also asked about the bump in my nose and he said it is bone and everyone has them either side of the bridge if they’ve had a bump shaved off…do all of you have them?!!? I’m not sure I believe this???


    Sof <3

    Wtf so the bridge won’t get smaller….. Great :-/! Its too wide!! I don’t really like my nose from the front now! X


    My nose is much wider than it was too… I am seeing Dr G next month so I’ll have to ask him about it then. I still prefer my new nose though. xx


    Hey girls, it takes up to a year to see the results of rhino, it can be swollen for months. Don’t worry, eventually the swelling will reduce gradually x


    I’m not sure about yours but he said most of my swelling has gone… Id go back and see him xxx


    me too sofs even my hubby was saying its looks wider now i look the side profile tho x


    me too sofs even my hubby was saying its looks wider now i look the side profile tho x


    I have a teeny lump i can feel at the side of my bridge that feels like bone – is that the thing Mr G was on about? My slope isnt a perfect slope and it has a TINY bump (but I can notice it) so I am hoping that that is the swelling! I wish we just knew straight off what our noses will end up like. Cause I have a feeling that most of my swelling has gone…


    layla112 3

    Really wish we knew straight away! Wouldn’t be so bad going through all this if we knew what it would end up like!! It’s so stressfull!! I’m only 4 weeks post op and mine looks different everyday!! It’s really annoying me now :( last week I was really happy and feeling good about it but over the weekend was not feeling so great… It’s swelled up loads again and gone really wide and I look like how I did when the cast came off again… I have the little bumps on both sides but cant see them onlu feel them.. And my tip looks really big again!! Need the next 6 months to go really quick!!

    Had my first night out Saturday and it was not good!! Even though we had a table people just kept bumping into me and this dick head fell on me when I was sitting down! So I’m not going out again for next few weeks :(



    Wow this is scaring me as the rhino I would be looking to get will include removing a hump on my nose and never thought about it possibly making my nose appear wider :/ xxx


    Am getting a bump removed too @bryxoxo I never thought of this either am worried now. Hope all u girls r happy in the end not fair going through all of this and being unhappy xx

    Rinx ♥ 4

    i had my bump removed it wasnt a huge bump but was still there but i also had the sides narrowed as wel? so mine doesnt look wide atall from the top its skinny so mayb ask him about narrowing it at the same time, x


    mines been a year on 6th march iv had no calls off mya for check up. i have love hate relationship with nose. it is wider but not in bad way it dont look bad there is a little bone i can feel at side which im guessing is normal. but how do i no when they aint phoned for 9months. i like my nose from side but i thinks i shuda had tip reduced but the tip aint the main problem its that bit inbetween my nostrils is rli low compared to before but carnt do nufin now. im jus glad the bumps gone and im fine with it. my sense has smell has gone tho its rli weak. even tho its been a year it still feels as though its changing. but overall its good.


    Ok so the bumps are normal, Which makes me feel slightly better.

    I’m so over this nose crap now. I guess it’s just gonna stay like this and yea if I had the option I would change loads of things. I think the thing is its hard to predict what it will look like and what we actually want. And it’s human nature to never be satisfied. I think we have to be positive and compare before and after pics cos when I do that my god it looks so much better than before :)



    Dr g said to me don’t expect perfection or don’t have high expectations, I think because its on our face we judge it really harshly every tiny little thing, no one is ever going to be pleased 100% with their new nose I recon, when I have mine done I’m gonna try not to expect a teeny tiny nose cause I know that’s not gonna happen, but I expect it to look more natural and more feminine, I will still judge it harshly though but to be honest anything is better than the blob on my face at the moment haha x

    Sof <3

    I agree mine is a million times better before and to be honest I don’t think about it much at all. It’s literally just when I look in the mirror I do tend to pick at things and now the bumps gone, I’m obviously focusing on other things! My bridge is wider than before which I don’t really like and also my nose still actually looks like my old nose sometimes in photos it’s really wierd!! But I agree Georgia, I’m so done with all this nose lark , I’m leaving it as it is, it’s good enough it’ll do! I didn’t expect perfection but at the same time, I was told my bridge was narrowed slightly which I have yet to see the results of so we shall see x


    Just remeber its impossible to have the perfect nose no matter how many nose jobs anyone has, you only have to look at la toya jacksons nose along with a few other celebritys noses, they must of picked out silly things and kept getting it done, they made it look worse though lol! X


    Agree with u sof, we def just have to look at the positives. And stop being so critical of ourselves. We’re obviously a critical group of people as we’ve had/are having cosmetic surgery When to some people a bump in their nose wouldn’t bother them

    Plus unless I had a nose sloping to the side of my face I’d never have it done again…this not tanning is killing me I am Verging on being see through right now…and I don’t think I could ever save another nearly 5k!!!

    Let’s all be happy at our improved noses cos there isnt one pic iv seen where I don’t think it’s a huge improvement



    I hope all u girls feel better soon abour ur nose jobs…i hate mine and I am planning to have my nose job with Dr G around august/september time. I’m worried now that I will hate my nose, as many of u dnt seem happy with urs. Did u all have ur rhinoplasty with Dr G? xx


    Hi Staceylouise . . most important thing is say exactly what u would like , don’t assume that DR G will know automatically what u require . . like alot of the girls I am impatient for my swelling to go down and see the results . . I too see my bridge wider at min but I totally understand that taking away my bump/lump at the top has removed what may hav been a narrower part of my nose ( bumps/lumps will always look narrower cos they are raised up), looking at my friends with no bumps their noses do seem wider . .I am only 3 wks post op and really love my profile , struggled with the front when my cast came off ,due swelling but today I can see my nose starting to take definition . .I am being extremely careful ,still sleeping upright with a neck pillow (very comfy)lol.. I too am critical . . I just wanted my nose but a more feminine version,which I think I’ll get and what we don’t realise is how we need to adapt to our new look ,we’ve seen our old one for such a long time . .DR G is totally trustworthy . . Good luck xx p.s keep talking with the girls on the forum , it’s so helpful


    Aww hun, i’m glad ur accepting ur nose..i never thought about my nose looking wider before..so spose i will have to take that into consideration. Mine too has a hump which when removed will look quite different.

    How are ui coping with pain etc? What was the first few days post op like? I’m currently recovering from bunin surgery so I’m in a lot of pain too :( it will be 2 weeks post op on friday..just can’t wait to be albe to walk again and wear sandals for the first time woohooo!! lol xx


    Bunion surgery even lol xx

    amb101 1

    I’m sure all of our noses have been greatly improved :)


    i think we get used to our new noses and start to then pick fault with them…we forget what our old noses actually looked like sometimes! everyone on here whos had their noses done looks awesome :) xx


    I concur!!! AWESOME!!!!!! xxx

    layla112 3

    Yeh I dont regret it at all!! Its just the swelling is a pain and goes up and down for no reason and some days look better than others! But saturday swelling went down loads and for the first time i loved it looked really small and nice!!! It swelled up again the next day but im happy now i know that once it goes down it will be lovely! It looked alot narrower aswel!



    Hey Everyone ! I’m 8 most post op with Dr G now – I think its understandable our noses are all going to look a little wide – prob just an optical illusion I’m sure there alot thiner than before and we all have perfect cute noses now – his fantastic :) And wouldnt of made ours all too thin as it wouldnt look natural ! xx

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