RIPPLING OF IMPLANT HELP! Started by: Christie

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  • Christie 17

    I am 3 WPO today, everything was perfect until I felt the implant where my cleavage is, I can feel the implant has rippled. i’m so worried, please can someone help 🙁 x

    Jessica 105

    I dont think its anything to worry about? When I had my consultation with Mr Traynor he said rippling is almost always present in all implants, it may just be felt or it may be seen. And it can depend on what angle you are looking from x

    Christie 17

    Okay thank you!! I can just feel it badly, nothing that can be seen. Just a panic moment x

    Danielle 117

    Mr traynor told me the same as Jessica, that everyone gets rippling whether it’s seen or felt, when I signed my consent form that was the first thing he wrote on! Try not to worry at least you can’t see it xx

    Jessica 105

    I think people can have revision surgery if they have rippling really bad.. but I think this is when you can see it badly.
    I dont think you have anything to worry about especially if you can’t see it x

    Christie 17

    thanks so much girls! making me feel so much better x

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