Ruptured implant questions Started by: sarah85

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  • sarah85

    Last four weeks or so I have been getting q sharp pain in my left boob. I saw my GP worried last week that it may be the C word but he said this was highly unlikely after examination (phew!) but as he is no specialist he cannot tell me any more.

    Has anyone had this sort of pain with implants? And is it a common sign of a ruptured implant? I have had CIU for over a year now with no problems xx


    Hiyaa! I have had a few sharp pains in my boobs? but didnt no this cud man that. im 8 Months p/o.
    I thought it was just coz boobs can be boobs an get a bit painful. I havnt noticed anything else that cud suggest so?
    Let me know if u find anyfin out plz. xx


    yea twinges and a few pains are normal but this is an obvious sharp pain that does not go away like the other normal ones do.

    I cant feel any lumps or anything else, its more coz this is a new pain that im a bit worried and its been there for over 3 weeks

    Stephanie -1

    I’d get the doc to get you an appointment with a specialist.

    But, if he implant ruptures unless it’s somehow trapped something it’s unlikely it would cause that sort of pain even if ruptured. It sounds a bit more torn muscle style symptom or deep bruise, can you think of anything that happened around the time? Emergency stop in car? Someone slamming a door into you, lifting a bag that was to heavy…?

    I get it checked out, when does it hurt all the time or when you move it in certain
    Positions / do certain things with it?

    Also of course I presume you can still call MYA for advice ?

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